Clayton Q.
About a month for small initial benefits (better anger management, getting more enjoyment out of things). But then the rate of seeing improvements went down a lot. I kept at it and when looking back can see changes, but they are gradual enough that I don’t notice them while they’re happening.
Ilse X.
This is the first time I really try meditating and i’ve been doing it for about 3 weeks every now and then and daily for the last week. Based on this I can say that I noticed a difference, improvement in my relaxation, anxiety levels since the beginning of this daily practice this week.
Hedy F.
I started with the 3day challenge as directed just a simple task in the morning. I personally didn’t notice the change until the fourth day when my granddaughter ask me if I checked it off my list. That’s when I realized I was already forming better habits and that I was already subconsciously was making better choices.
Cec Lia N.
About a month of consistent meditation before i noticed any changes. They were subtle changes too, like being calm in stressful situations, or being able to see situations from an 'outsider' perspective
Frank Peter F.
It takes time, and it takes patience to learn to know yourself better. And give honest answers. And be our true selves with ourselves. And with others. It is a journey of a lifetime. IMHO, time will vary from person to person and according to your chosen theme. HTH.
Inguelore A.
I started to see changes as soon as I began. Meditating and channeling in what I want to improve helps me visualize what I’m manifesting. Improvement comes when I’m most consistent.
Est Ban S.
About a week or so , actually even girst time when you make meditation it just effects you immediately but for progress and long-term effects it took me 7 days.
Jessie X.
When I began stretching and meditating at night as part of my bedtime I felt an immediate improvement in my ability to still my mind to prepare for sleep, and to release tension in my body to prepare for rest.