How do you study more in less time?

Diane Q.
I'll use audiobooks and i don't read every word in a paragraph .i always try to find idea between the book by reading foreword which saves me a lot of time.
Morris N.
I am using an app to study French! It's fun to learn something new at my age that I don't have to learn, but want to.

If you find something you really want to study and set the number of minutes you plan to do it, your biggest problem will be putting it down.

Learning in this time when we are clobbered with so much information that is not beneficial, is not true.. that varifiable information, facts, and learning for ourselves is more valuable now than it ever has been. (P.S. I would say reading a reputable daily newspaper that follows journalistic standards like the NYT or the WaPo ("just the facts ma'am.") is the best kind of learning there is! (Maybe 2nd to books??)

Mattie G.
When you set a timer for each subject it helps you to know what to do at different time make sure not to stray from your work cause that takes up more time try to be focus and drinking tea helps as well to calm the mind while studying some say listening music helps or staying in a quiet place be where you are comfortable to study
Korbinian Q.
That depends on the material. If I'm studying a language, I'll run through Q cards while I'm waiting for a bus. If it's something you need to practice hard to learn, like math or programming, I'd sit down and run through a few practice problems using the Pomodoro technique.
Ethel N.
Read a part of the book. Understanding it. Take a short note. How to implement it?
If you have more time, read another part. If not its okay.
Whats the point of study more if it doesnt improve your quality of life? Or the worst just forget what you learnt later?
Taylor Z.
I avoid to have distractions. For example I use the study session option in the Fabulous app which sets some relaxing music which helps me staying focused. I also choose a quiet spot where to study, possibly in the nature.
Kaylee P.
Focus. Use something like the pomodoro technique. Processing time is important too. Short intense bursts followed by a relaxed activity or space
Isabella U.
First know that there are a multitude of ways to study and the first you should do is find what method works best for you. I chose to use the study time to learn Japanese thru Duolingo. It’s easier for me to focus on one thing.
Glen Q.
This is related to the best time for doing studies.If you choose morning to study,you can study more in less time.Morning starts with 4.30-5.00 a.m.
Since in the morning the surroundings are quite and mind is fully charged also the body is super productive.You should try this out once and you can feel the difference.
Thanks for your time
Have a fabulous day!
Antoine S.
There's lots of advice for efficiency out there. The most important strategy, though, is to get plenty of sleep and eat mainly whole healthy foods. When you take care of your body your brain works better.
Am Lie Q.
Usually such question may arise because you are not able to focus on the study, prioritize or to organize your time.

Create conditions for a study: fresh air in the room, good light in the evening (the darker the light, the sleepier you get).

Also, print out (or just buy) a weekly agenda and write in the tasks/topics you are willing to study.

To learn how to prioritize use the rule of “three nails on the wall”:
Write a to-do list for a day.
Pick three of the most important tasks.
Imagine that you hang each of them on a nail on the wall.
Start doing the first task, when you finish it, “take it off the wall”.
You can start the second task, that’s your priority now. Then third, and so on.

– To be able studying more in less time you need to prepare your body for such pressure. Eat healthy food, drink enough water (to avoid a headache), sleep at night for at least 7 hours.
(The knowledge you may try to get studying at night won’t be processed by your brain on more that 50%.)

– Use timers to concentrate on the study (for a few hours) and make 15-20 minutes breaks in between.
– Break big projects into smaller digestible parts.
– Be consistent.
– Make a mood board. Place the pictures that would motivate you to get to the end result; as well as your weekly agenda.

Marie Y.
Studying smart; identify what I have trouble with, and focus on those areas specifically, not just by reading notes, but doing practice problems without checking the answers. Making a plan before starting helps a lot.
Jean Q.
Focus on the main points. Such as grabbing the key idea in short time.
Make study schedule and stick to it.
Use tomato clock to stay focus.
Divide study into smaller part and use any slot to complete the not-so-important parts. For example, in learning foreign language I used to make vocabulary cards and focus on pronunciation and grammar rules. I will first learn rules in short time and make cards at lunch break or waiting for bus.