How do YOU stick to your to-do list?

Anthony W.
Checking it in the morning and adjusting it at night. I had the best success when I shared it in a google doc with a friend who also wrote out his list. We kept each other accountable and encouraged each other within the doc. Bullet journaling is also very effective.
H Lder P.
I look at what I have done, then I look at what I have left to do. Then I think when I am going to do them and the amount of time I’m giving myself to do them.
Martin Y.
Keep it simple. I use an app but it's a bare bones, no bells and whistles kind of app. Just a list that I can sort how I chose. It also has a feature to pin tasks to the top of the list, which I use to choose my top three things for the day. If you're using an iPhone, the app is called Lists To Do.

Bells and whistles apps become toys for me and then I dump them because it takes too long to use them. This has been good so far.

Also I just dump to do's in it as I think of them.

At night I review the list to update it, and in the morning I pick my top 3.

Hope this helps!

Est Ban T.
I use the top three priorities habit and look at it based on my health that day (was in a few accidents) and appointments that week.

It's important to include time to rest, like a daily power nap, that will replenish your energy. Calm app has a great one that wakes you with birds singing. It's also good, even if you can't sleep, to just lie down and rest/relax for 20 to 30 minutes. You can use soothing music or total silence.

The rest helps me sit up and finish priorities still left.

I go through my task list and see what must be done that day. A wise person once told me, and she said she did this, to look at the day's list and see the one thing that must be done that day and put the others off if you must. Don't feel guilt or like a failure.

When you're able to, then do all three priorities. A friend who is a successful executive said do one big thing, one medium thing, and then one little thing. If you can do more, great! But again, if not, no worries.