How do you meditate? Guided meditation/hypnosis? Simply being alone in quiet?

Rurique Y.
Sometimes I use guided mediation, sometimes its just the music without a guide but occasionally I will sit quietly with my tea in hand.
Ruaa N.
I played a LOFI music on youtube, put the headphones, start to think about the negative thoughts and find the way to get out of it.
Danny E.
Hey! I usually put some relaxing music, then close my eyes and start imagine a bright light coming out from my heart and then that light touches every organ inside me, my blood & bones, teeth, hair ending up with every cell full of that light. Then I stay enjoying it a couple of minutes and thats it!
Hope this helps 😉
Nasko X.
Guided meditation using the app's guidens. I find it working really well starting from the begginer 5 min meditation an moving forward
Zeli Y.
Currently I do 7 minutes chanting with online app and sit with eyes closed for another 5 minutes. Before going to bed I do a short Isha Kriya Meditation.