How do you balance time spent with a partner in bed waking up and starting your morning routine? What expectations do you set? For example, one person makes the bed and the other makes breakfast?

Harvey J.
I don't have a partner so there's no expectation. I have to take care of everything and it's overwhelming at times but there's no other options.
Marion J.
I manage my time to wake earlier than my partner .. in order to start my morning routine .. choosing easy breakfast that can be done in 5-10 minutes maximum..
No Lie E.
My partner is supportive & encouraging so he doesn’t distract me – I am so blessed, sometimes we do this routine together.
Moema E.
Negotiate and set the parameters in advance. Create a simple rule. On MWF you make the bed, she does breakfast, TTHS switch. Allow flexibility and communicate. Make sure your partner understands the importance of habit formation
Loeci N.
It's not just about me, it's about my partners needs and wants too.
It's pretty fluid. Whomever ends up in the kitchen first makes coffee and whomever leaves the bed last makes it. Tends to work out well.
Rafael S.
Our expectations are we have our morning routine. Get up prepare our supplements, meditate, yoga, then 40-60 min workout
Depending on the day one of us showers the other wakes the kids and we take turn getting them ready.
Henry B.
That sounds like a good suggestion. I would also explain to your partner that there are certain things that you need time for in the morning by yourself, such as if you are doing a yoga routine or meditation. If you can, or want to, you can always invite your partner to join you on some or all parts of your morning routine, like getting up and drinking water, or sharing breakfast together. Whatever works for you.
Alexander U.
I wake up before my partner, so we follow our own routines at different times. It works for us, and we talk during the times our routines overlap.
Laura C.
I find that talking openly about my morning plans and expectations help us both get up on time. When we don’t discuss it th night before, we end up lingering too long and skipping the routine all together. We normally set our alarm some time before the start of the rituals to have some time in bed, so we can get up at the right time without sacrificing intimacy. In a way is like making time wih my partner part of my ritual
Dustin E.
Well, my fiancé is a truck driver so I see him only twice a week most months, which I’m grateful that he is branching out on his own and he’ll be home more, but to answer your question, we work together when he’s home. I love cooking more than him so naturally I’ll make the meals. We both share the responsibility of making the bed together, cleaning around the house and other chores.
Silke P.
The first person out of bed makes coffee and hops into the shower and the second person makes a quick protein breakfast and gets the second shower. Sometimes share the shower and make coffee and breakfast together. The expectation is that both of us are fed and ready for work.