How could I effectively use my time without laziness

M Lina P.
I drink water grist thing when I get up, then I exercise for 9 minutes. I basically check off my afternoon routine in the morning so by the time I go to work my day is ready I feel alert and ready to go.
Angelia N.
What you could do is if you don’t work out tell yourself,“I’m going to regret not working out but never regret working out.” Another thing you can do is reward yourself if you’re not too lazy a certain day like telling yourself,“if I’m not so lazy today and do more than five tasks I’ll hang out with my friend tomorrow or get ice cream of something small.” You can also write down a to do and it’ll be so much easier to do things if you know what you need to do that day and when. Your day will be so much more organized if you write down like what time you wake up (waking up earlier is recommended to fit more stuff in),what your routine will be and what you need to do or buy!!!
Areej N.
I could Start meditating and excercise in the morning other than just laying around.i could Start being more creative and productive. I could do more outdoor activities so I could be mote fit and active. I could Start organizing stuff which will be a productive way to spend time and not be lazy. If I dont want to be lazy than I should Start doing more creative amd productive work to keep myself occupied other than just scroll on the internet.
Audrey N.
Stay motivated!!! If this is relating to work or school, it’s totally ok to take short breaks. I recommend creating a list of tasks for yourself, and when done, reward yourself with something you enjoy doing! This can help you stay motivated and use your time to get things done, but even more importantly you’re rewarded for such hard work! You got this!!!
Emma W.
Effectively using my time would be by not just thinking of want I want or need to do, but making a quick list and doing it throughout the day. Not all at once, but spread out enough with breaks i between for movement, food, and other activities.
Oktavia X.
I’m trying to be present. I couldn’t go back in time, I could not change that. I know that. I’ve always understood that. The only thing that I can change is now—the present. In this moment that so many uncertain things, I realized that there’s so much time yet so little. So why can’t I just make the most of it? I want to be 100% all the time. I mean what if it’s my last time? Could I??? We’ll see.
Charlie G.
I struggle with this one a lot. But what I've found, is if I make a to do list, and everything has to be completed by the end of the day, then I get stuff done easier, and don't spend time doing nothing. The trick with a to do list is to have small tasks. So say your main goal is to clean your bedroom. You would start with picking up dirty clothes and washing them. Then put away clean clothes. Then pick up everything off the floor, and so on. If you break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks, you tend to do them faster.
Thomas C.
Oh boy wish I'd known. though I believe that having a to do list and prioritising something that will get you out of bed in the morning is the starting point. We get lazy because we really don't want to do the task at hand. Start will something you like and then you'll have the energy and the sense of fulfillment to keep going
Georgia C.
It depends. What I do is look around the house and see what needs to be done. Sometimes it's the dishes that need to be washed or the laundry that needs to be done. If there's nothing to do in the house, I like going for a walk around the city. This way I also get my daily exercise done. If the weather isn't good, I might answer some emails or finish projects, maybe read a book
Shima X.
It's better to set a goal for yourself. Aiming will energize you, then you will try and try until reaching your goal without feeling laziness.
Corey E.
Monitor how productive you are during different parts of the day. If you’re more productive in the morning, do the most difficult tasks then. Try to get as much as you can done then. Make a list and crank out a couple hours of tasks. I find that I can get most of my work done first thing in the morning since those are my most productive hours. Some people are productive at night. Listen to your body, listen to your brain. Allow yourself to reset. Then begin again.
Sofie E.
Write a realistic to-do list for each day. Try to get as many items done as possible and check the box as soon as you get each one done. Break down the big works into small steps so you know exactly what you're going to do. Give yourself a reward at the end of the day if you have checked all the items off your list.
Lee Y.
It’s best to give ourselves 5 secs to get up and do something when I need to do something and my mind says later I do not feel like it I immediately get up and go do the activity being aware is key argue with yourself to get up if you have to sometimes that help as well I tell myself to get up until I get annoyed of hearing it in my head n annoyed of me just always laying around also celebrate the times when you get up and be productive don’t be hard on yourself
Lilly Y.
I'm trying to keep it simple. You can start with writing down your most important to do lists. But try to make the first one really simple, like drink water or clean the room. It can help you start. Once You start it, just try to avoid your abstractions like cellphone.
Alex O.
Checklists and deadlines are helpful. Usually the last thing I want to do is work out, so I make sure it’s the first thing I’m meant to do in the morning. That way I have no time to procrastinate.
Momentum is important. I try not to stop my productivity until I’ve completed everything I set out to do for the day. (Besides a quick lunch break or snack)
M Cio P.
I struggle with this problem. I find it’s useful to understand why I am doing something—good grades, impress people, etc. Write it down! Also, if you’re religious, I find it very helpful to pray
Mariana E.
What works for me is to divide the task in small portions so I don’t fell overwhelmed to started as I know all the task is simple. And having a good routine is helping a lot too. ☺️
Johan Q.
try to plans things before the next day, and promise to yourself that you'll do it no matter what. Try to think what you do this for and think of the consequences if you didn't do it.
Johan E.
Rethink the word laziness. Instead put a positive spin on the action you want to do. I can be sitting on my couch but purposefully doing so with my journal, planner or a good book. Ask what pumps you up? Music seems to transport me back in time and I love dancing around my house singing along with my old favorites that I still know by heart. Find activities that you enjoy and jump in even if it’s only for 10 minutes.
Claire P.
I’d say write out everything you have to do that day and think about it throughout the day. Listen to motivational speeches and hide distractions. set alarms if you have to do something by a certain time
Perfeito E.
Ok you should make a. Journal and a to do for the day and do something productive in the beginning like making your bed cleaning your room
Little things like this help and you should find hobbies and work to do after your breakfast and always take breaks
Fridolin W.
Write down to do list, with a reminder of the end of the day, you can see how productive you are…and how you could utilise time
Cristian C.
Para mim, a questão da preguiça está diretamente relacionada em fazermos coisas que não estão realmente ao nosso alcance, muito esforço é exigido e o cérebro assemelha essa sensação a dor. O melhor para tirar a preguiça é realmente entrar em uma atividade física curta, porem de alta intensidade como um HIIT ou os exercícios de 7 minutos do próprio Fabulous ou também o de 1 minuto, que também ajuda
Jay W.
Listen to music that will make you focus on whatever you see fit to do around you it could be reading, working, studying anything you seem fit to do around you music will totally help you
Tilde Z.
If you feel your drained of energy do things that can be done sitting down , then give yourself a break between each one if needed gradually you'll be ticking things off your list
Belis Rio Q.
Think about how fascinating it would be to have control over your days. Be creative and do something new everyday. Also give yourself some reward if you did as you planned.
Good luck 🙂
Lauren E.
Learn more important things on TV when I’m feeling lazy. GET OUTSIDE. Set time block / story points for myself – enjoy the organisation and to-do list. Carry over Sprints for each week?
Christian N.
Surround yourself with things that you would situate with productivity. If you surround yourself with a clean and active environment it will encourage you to work or inspire you to get up and do something!
Parisa Z.
For me being positive and energetic help. And for being positive I practice Gratitude and giving credit to myself for little things that I've done that day(or in morning, yesterday's work). Specially when I feel like I did nothing. Like today I got up laaate I an hour go I felt like today wasn't productive at all and then I opened my planner and see all the little things that I did like drink water when I woke up and practiced instrument and now I feel much more energetic than an hour ago.

Hope that'll help you💕

Eliot E.
Leave phone out of sight and turn it off, have someone remind me to do the task im trying to do and To not procrastinate
Alandra Z.
If you're considering taking up new hobbies or structured routines like working out/ exercise, but you can't motivate to get off the couch or put of bed, buy or make yourself tension bands and whenever you're sitting or walking, have the tension bands on either mid calf or mid thigh, and constantly just move your legs. It triggers motivation, it gives a nice amount of pressure to exercise without even noticing or even standing! Give yourself time to get into it, your legs will seem to want to keep moving and you'll find things to do whether it's cleaning the house, going outside for a walk or even excel to the point of routinely walking/jogging/running and different exercise methods!
Rosel F.
I think this is only possible by not being too demanding on yourself. give yourself some rest and relaxation.
What you can try, is to keep your 'lazy moments' and your 'efficient time' strictly seperated. In my opinion, it can help to plan certain relaxing activities in your day. this will allow you to enjoy the 'lazy moments' and to feel less guilty about not being efficient for a while. In that way, you will also be more motivated for tasks where you have to be very efficient.
Giani P.
Plan your day . Make sure you give your self specific tasks to complete during the day. This will cut down on the amount of time you can dirft off and become lazy
Alexandra Y.
Being intentional to both the work and to rest. Listening to my body for the times when I do need to rest and take a break is arguably just as important as getting things done. While the to do list is important, knowing and understanding why things should be done goes a long way to getting that persistent motivation. A lot on my to do list is things that help improve my environment (cleaning), improve my working/career goals situation, or organization of the things in my life. Those things make it easier to get the more fun things in my life my full time and energy.
Genesis F.
The way I see it, laziness comes no matter what you do. It’s always there. But instead of focusing on that, on “ugh this is so boring, I just don’t wanna do this right now, etc.”, try focusing on something else that you can do, something different.
I’d say to make a plan for the day and try to keep up with it. But, don’t put the same type of activity for a long period of time. For instance, take studying… try studying in 2-3 hour increments and try to keep it up for that time. It’s okay if you can’t study for the whole time period but try your best. You got this!
Taylor G.
In order to effectively use my time without laziness I should work on the project immediately. When you pass it off, you’re on a time crunch and continue to procrastinate.
August W.
Laziness is part of effective time management, don't be scared to use big bursts of energy for a short duration. 1 minute spent on something is better than non at all
Cariza E.
I could learn something new, I could go for a walk, I could listen to music, I could read or watch a film, I could clean my house, I could draw or paint, I could have a shower and a face-mask
Mariano N.
Make a habit of setting aside a chunk of time to work on something with full attention. Start small and work your way up to something that makes you feel productive.
Sarah Z.
Laziness has many reasons, for me it was health, anxiety and bad habits related. Dealing with anxiety first was a game changer. I tried many times to deal with other reasons but it was hard to keep going with anxiety not solved. What helped me deal with it was the "Relieve my anxiety" challenge on fabulous, I didn't expect this mich improvement but I suddenly had energy to deal with normal daily tasks or other delayed tasks that was overwhelming before. Anxiety is different from a person to another so some people might need more help with anxiety besides the challenge. But trust me anxiety needs to be addressed first before going on. It took me more days than the challenge to finish the tasks as some tasks in the challenge took more days but that's fine, if you feel overwhelmed by a task during the challenge divide it to as many days as you need. After that my second goal was maintain a good breakfast and exercise routine. The second game changer is don't rely on self discipline to get things done or fight laziness, instead get someone else to share the task with you so you are more committed now. That's what I did for the exercise part, I knew going to the gym or for a run on my own is not going to work, so instead I signed up for swimming classes. Swimming is fun once you get into the water and it's not as sweaty or discouraging as a heavy gym equipment or a long run. Signing up with a coach meant I paid for the month upfront and I have people who are following up with me on my absence and helped me stay on track. Another key factor is coupling habits, so I dealt with anxiety which gave me a boost of energy to deal with laziness, then signed up for swimming class to encourage myself to exercise, which at first seemed tiring but after a month of training my energy levels throughout the week is amazing I have more energy and less tendency to fall asleep during the day and my sleep schedule got better. So I started coupling swimming with good breakfast, I eat well before I go swimming and trust me good breakfast does wonders, I had always felt tired after swimming classes and needed to sleep untill I started eating good protein and carbs. This might be different in your case, maybe carbs are not the best option for everyone, but for my case it was exactly what I needed to have energy after the swimming class for work. These 3 elements alone helped me a lot with my energy levels and with that alone I was able to have more work done. The rest is a matter of addiction and bad habit control, I started coupling more teeny tiny habits to exercise and breakfast, I allocated 0.5 hours of finshing assignments and college work after every swimming class for a whole week, then started increasing them. Two important things to keep in mind is that you need to celebrate every tiny step you achieve, and to be totally understanding and welcoming to the fails, I fall behind some days but I keep trying to maintain my streak and that's part of the process, celebrate returning after falling behind in any habit. I celebrate by telling my spouse and clapping together then eating chocolate 😀 I do it every time I study for half an hour after swimming and then increase the time gradually while keeping the celebration habit. I have a better grasp on my time and bad habits have less control of me because I keep adding only tiny steps and celebrate for weeks my streak of every tiny step.
Tristan B.
A check list and you can pay yourself each time you achieve something. For example studying, after each chapter put a snack like inside the book. This may motivate you more to be productive.
Lauren J.
I would recommend starting off with small tasks, as these are easier to motivate yourself to do- another thing that really helped me was studying in 20 minute slots and having a 5-10 minute break. I have a very short attention span so doing this really strengthened my productivity. Hope this helps!
Senna S.
So write down the things u want to do that day! Wake up early, get a shower and a good breakfast. If you do the things u have written u are using the time without laziness
Bernard G.
Think about that moment of glory and success you attain when your task is accomplished, that will help you in focusing on your objective and stop your laziness from unfurling the success. In that way, you can use your time effectively without being lazy and procrastinating.
Mollie Z.
The answer to that is by do something you mostly enjoy when achieving something that brings joy it brings motivation encouragement and your able to do anything longer when you are enjoying your self
Larry Z.
You could try and clean or do something you enjoy such as draw, sing or just go for a walk outside.
I like to do photography and draw, so I take photos and then draw the photos!
You could also spend time with pets if you have any 🙂
Filippo E.
The solution that is helping me the most about it is surely making a to-do list. I feel accomplished when I do everything I wanted to do and it also gives me the motivation to complete my daily challenges
Abigail F.
Laziness comes when we are get distracted from our target and my friend there is only one way to kill distraction.
The wonder word "Concentration", If you can't concentrate on work then are 2 reasons behind it:
1. You don't like your work
2. You are habitual to laziness

If you are habitual to laziness then challenge yourself imagine your target each time you procrastinate and avoid social media,youtube,etc. while on work.
Never think you can't do it because you already have it inside you just bring it out and see the magic.
If your mind tells you to watch TV or do something like that when you are working then tell your mind that your target is way more important than this silly time pass.
If you do the things mentioned above then my friend your will be unstoppable just go ahead and Never look back.
I hope this helps you

Stella Y.
You have to stay determined and consistent. Try to make the change more permanent and exercise regularly. Once it has turned into a habit your body won’t feel lazy.
Gustav C.
I suck at this, but I think that the best way to be actually productive, even during downtime, is to reflect on how an activity makes you feel. Does it bring you joy? Will it bring you joy in the future, even indirectly? If an action isn't going to bring you joy, it really isn't worth your time. Just move on and do something that has real worth.
Ninja T.
Think about the importance of doing your chores/work that you wanted to do. The moment you made a decision that you'd a particular thing, think about it. You wanted to prioritize your work over anything. The laziness will eventually lead you to procrastinate and nobody wants that. Have a 5 minute body stretch, an easy one and try to fo atleast half of the things from your "To-Do List". Get moving! 🙂
Suzanne F.
You could decrease the use of social medias and generally the internet. Also, you can put on some cheering up music without lyrics or video. At the end, you'd better organise your time beforehand, at the beginning of the year, the month, the week and the day. This will help you reduse the waste of time on activities that don't need to be done right away. Stay focused at the projects of each our or day and throw away anxiety and negativity!!! You can do everything! You just need a well organised program and some positive energy from your frinds and family, but mostly from yourshelf! Fo for it!
Anya Z.
Always make a to do list. Start with the highest priorities first then lower ones. So you spend your time productively. And only after you’ve done everything on your list then you can chill out without feeling guilty that you’re being lazy as you’ve done all you had to do.
Rualba N.
By cutting out distractions such as the social media. I am becoming aware of how many in incautious minuties it steals from me and does not let me complete my daily tasks on time or maybe even cancel 1-2 of them just because I have postponed and procrastinated thinking its only 2 mins..
Kaitlyn U.
Doing stretching or running, jumping jacks, dancing that can remove the laziness or you can somewhere like the park to dk exercises or buying stuff for exercise or go out with your friends that also can remove the laziness.
Vivian P.
See a need, fill that need. Find one thing, small or otherwise, that you think can be better or would suit YOU better. Work for that goal. It's okay to take your time, but do your best to not procrastinate. Procrastination makes us feel worse in the long run
Janet Y.
Laziness is not the opposite of being productive. You don’t need to use every moment of the day for productivity for it to be a good day. You can exercise and you can watch Netflix; those things don’t cancel each other out. Taking time for yourself and your mental health isn’t “lazy”. In some ways, it’s the most productive time of your day.
Azade F.
سلام دوست عزیزم!من فکر میکنم درجهان تنبلی وجود ندارد،فقط گاهی واقعا دلیل انجام یک کار را نمیدانیم،همین موجب اهمالکاری در انجام آن میشود!به نظر من بهترین کار برای رفع این مشکل این است که ابتدا برای خود مشخص کنیم چه چیزی بدست خواهیم آورد اگر این وظیفه را به خوبی انجام بدهیم!؟
Giulia F.
I can stop being on my phone so much and do my homework instead. going to bed earlier and not falling alseep without doing any homework
Adhvarya Z.
Laziness means you are not interested in that task ,
fist of all change your mind set That's important .
Then stop procrastination andnevetr listen to your mind because it stops us from doing things . You can also motivate your self butmotivations is useless if you don't have a right mind set for that .
Good luck
Constantine F.
Laziness is a loaded term. Why do you feel resistance to doing the most important things to you? We all do it’s normal. Spend time listening to yourself, resting enough, eating healthy, reconnect with your purpose
Shalini U.
Hey there! I’d suggest making a to-do list, and also try going on a dopant detox (look it up on YouTube maybe). That helps if you stay strict with yourself. Also try to find a partner to monitor you (worked wonders for me)Maybe a friend or coworker?
Zhannat O.
The key here is take things slowly. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Add some habits to your routines that you’re already doing like brush your teeth, floss or read. Ticking them done will give you a sense of accomplishment and drive you to progress. And don’t forget to celebrate: do a little dance, smile at yourself in a mirror, treat yourself to something you love.
Jessica T.
To use it to brainstorm ideas and plan for projects and priorities. To include tasks that need doing and timeframes expected
Monica O.
I have no idea. I am working on that too. I try to be doing something even when sitting and quiet, I crochet, read, edit on my phone…something easy and that I like and can be easily done while on the sofa
Abby F.
Quite honestly I’m working on that myself. The best advice anyone could give you is to set a to-do list, remove all distractions, go into the task with the drive to do it, and most importantly always give everything your best effort. Having a to-do list helps remind you of what you need to finish. Keeping the list simple with a few harder tasks is better so you won’t feel overwhelmed. Distractions lead to wanting to get the task over with or not finishing it all together. First figuring out the distractions, and then remove them the best you can. If you go into a task not really wanting to do it you won’t be going in giving it your all. Even if you don’t do the task needed until later in the day if able, doing the task when you have the motivation and drive to is what gives better work. Whether you love or hate a task giving it your best effort helps give better work. Of course that’s easier said then done it’s sometimes helpful to hear it.
Isabell Z.
Get some work done, read a book or something but while sitting and doing it, pedal a mini exercise bike. Oh and no snacking, unless its healthy snacks.
Harper I.
I could try to limite my time on the phone and make a schedule of the things I need to do and the time they must be completed
Palak Z.
Firstly make a to do list. Set a simple timetable and try to stick to it for a week and maybe first week will be difficult but as time goes by you will be able to stick to the routine. Get up and sleep on fixed time. Avoid using phone in the morning. Listen to motivational videos to keep going
Luzineide C.
You could get going without laziness by watching really motivating videos, go to a mirror that is near at you and look at your reflection, talk to your reflection here's what you gonna say: " oh come on stuck with your laziness, always rememeber never give-up, keep fighting, you can do it. you told others that you'll change but now look at you dont listen to your laziness, procastination or whatever that block on your way to change.LISTEN, YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN HELP YOU TO CHANGE IN TO A BETTER VERSION OF YOURSELF. YOURE THE ONLY WHOS GONNA PUSH YOU TO SUCCESS.SO GO OUT THERE AND WORK ON IT!!, YOU CAN DO IT!!
Calvin Y.
I would say maybe plan out your day in the routine that you would like to do things. If you know there maybe is a job that you could do whilst maybe sitting down then do that then.
Alex N.
I, personally, slowly cease to believe in lazyness. If you don't get to do something you should, you either do not see sense in doing it or something frightens you and keeps you from starting — often the lack of belief in your capability of accomplishing the task. In the former case it's worth beginning to get more mindful to see what really matters to you and what the reasons are for you to think you have to do whatever you don't get to. In the latter it's worth beginning to get more mindful to see what beliefs about yourself you should try to work on.

In all cases it's good you found Fabulous — its coachings give great food for thought and are meant to help increasing mindfulness. If you're ready to hear it out no matter some cheesiness 🙂

Sherri N.
Sometimes I have too many to do’s on my list and I get upset if I don’t finish. them all. So , how would you suggest I prioritize them? Most difficult first or most time consuming first? I always have one or two that I enjoy like taking pictures with my phone on my walk for example.
Mayday R.
When i think about a task that i know i should do but it makes me think about how lazy i am, i count down from 5 and i just do it. It has worked for many things so far. It helped me get out of bed today after my alarm rang. It made me feel great!
Vivian N.
Start by trusting yourself. Decide what matters to you and what’s important for where you are (in life) currently. Assign time blocks to these important things. Also, prioritize rest!
Crissy F.
Find something to read or watch or listen whether it be educational or something to give u a good laugh. Effectively using your time does not necessarily mean that you have to be doing something to learn from or make money from. Sometimes you just need that time to refresh your mind and soul.
Zoran Q.
I have to use philosophy of the book Slight Edge.-compound effect. Everything counts. Try to do things that will benefit you in long term periods.
Tom The Mobile10 N.
Without laziness I would get a lot more done . I wouldn’t procrastinate. I would just take the opportunity to get over with the things I need to do
Isabella J.
time chunking is something i practice often and really helps. when time chunking, it might seem inevitable to plan out every minute (if you’re that type of person go ahead) but if not, give yourself time and don’t cram each minute with tasks to complete.
something else that helps is multitasking , not on the things that require a lot of focus, but things like running errands or working out, you can listen to a podcast, audio book, or jam out to your favorite tunes.
the last thing that helps me is taking a break. if you aren’t your best that day, let yourself live through it, it’s an experience. if you aren’t feeling your best , it’s ok. don’t let one bad day or week or month discourage you. you got this!
Caroline S.
I could use my time by doing small tasks like chores and errands. Or I can be productive by writing my to do list or exercising.
Natalia C.
In a society obsessed with productivity, in which your output is inherently linked with your worth, laziness has all the bad rep of being unproductive, therefore worthless. The question, therefore, is not, how to use your time for the greatest effects and outcomes viewed by others, but how can I use MY time to serve my own needs, passions, and interests. How can I be the most caring, gentle, kind to myself, to be a better human being, a happier person, and through this, as a side effect, help others do the same.
Jashreen F.
I can make a to do list, moving around helps. Dancing does it too if you like it. Having a pet animal to look after also is good
Feli Y.
Timers would help loads with the time and motivation could also help loads. But what helps me the most is having to take care of someone or something like an animal. It's like you NEED to get out and get it food so it helps me get to work. I actually forgot the question. Oh okay, well people could also remind you and help you get started
Chris R.
I like to use a to-do list. I write everything down as it comes to me., under different headings such as personal, work, weekend jobs, thoughts or questions, etc. I think make the top three most important. I then mark three others that would be next in line to be completed, once the first three are done. When I feel the pullof social media, or day dreaming, I get up, grab a glass of water, stretch, and then review the list and sit back down to work.
Emma C.
You could get up and instead of staying in bed on your phone, get ready for the day. Eat a good breakfast! Also it helps me to make a To-Do List since it shows what I should complete for that day. I try to stay off my phone as much as possible and I do activities such as exercise and reading. I stay motivated by picking those activities to do and it makes me feel very productive. Hope that helped!
Angel F.
Find something that makes you excited. For me that's art, like painting, sketching, and working with resin. If you like a certain country, season, or aesthetic use it as your muse and create something inspired by that. It could be art, writing, music, or even just researching and putting together a presentation. And yes, putting a presentation together sounds weird, but you could show your family and friends how much this excites and why. You could also motivate yourself to grab a book or notepad and pencil and go for a walk and sit down at a local park or off a local trail and read or write or draw. Do what makes you happy, give yourself an hour or two a day dedicated to yourself and your craft. Also if you dont believe in your skills, just remember that crappy art, music, and writing is way better than no art, music or writing.
Leah O.
Spend 5 minutes writing down your core values. What's truly important in life? What gives your life more meaning in 5 years than it has today? Connecting how you use your time today with the deeply-held values you carry in life is how you can come to a compromise with your. Live each day as if it's a stepping stone to those goals and values you have. Are you laying those stones towards or away from them?
Amy P.
By making your own routine that works for you and actually sticking to it. Make sure to repeat it and if you have to make any changes, stick to them. Making too many changes at once can throw you off and lead to the routine being pushed to the side.
Kiki K.
Taking short breaks after building momentum usually helps. Try practicing the pomodoro method and you might just surprise yourself!
Charles Q.
Try to decrease your screen time. If you feel like being lazy at that moment, don’t fight it, just set yourself a time limit to fill your needs and come back.
Jason F.
I could clean the space around me. Or do chores that I havent done yet. I could get ahead on school work. Or look for more houses.
Adrienne F.
I could be more productive, like cleaning the bathroom or the kitchen. Maybe even organizing the house more. In due time I’ll get around to it. But I still feel guilty that it hasn’t been done yet.
Allison E.
Laziness means a pattern of inaction but implies character flaw. Instead of judging yourself, identify why there is a pattern of inaction.
Adina F.
There are many ways to deal with laziness you just have to find the ones that work for you for example; planning your day, reminding yourself of your goal, exercising, positive thoughts…
These are things that might be able to help you with laziness.
Enora T.
try to find new hobbies: (draw, learn how to play an instrument etc) try to communicate more with people or spend more time outside
Thomas F.
By giving taking care of yourself, getting plenty of rest, a good diet, exercise, but especially giving yourself credit for the things you are getting done. Be friendly and forgiving to yourself and be your own advocate and soon you won't even remember why you felt so lazy in the first place.
Jessica C.
Maybe reimagine how you think about yourself. Lazy is a really charged word, and it can often be used against people who are really struggling. It’s actually pretty rare for someone to just be “lazy.” The best way to be effective is to start with a good mindset. “This is really hard for me for some reason, and that’s valid. I can do this one step at a time.” Good luck!
Ragendra F.
Rodan O.
Actually I'm very lazy . But deadlines and consistency helps you to use your time effectively .
– Rodan😎
Noah B.
Write a detailed to do list, this way you always have something to do. The list may seem daunting at first, but some things can be crossed of quickly, then it will seem easier to accomplish, but you can still see your progress.
Hanzade R.
You can go to library, or cafe that motivates you to study. Set an alarm clock or plant a tree in forest. Never study in bed. Go out of your comfort zone.
Antonietta X.
Make my bed in the morning. If I make my bed I automatically don't want to wreck it again. Be confident in doing nothing. If I am confident with my decision of doing nothing, then I am more likely to be okay later on with completing a task.
Adasa Q.
Plan the month, the week and the day. Check and review each planning in advance. When it comes the time to do things, count until 3 and juat star doing it.
Sydney A.
I'm still struggling with this and learning with you, so far all I can say is just keep trying. Eventually it will all become habit and second nature. Just try to notice when you're perhaps not being as productive or effective and change to something that is.
Irene M.
You could set alarms for how long you have to do a task and give yourself breaks in between tasks and set yourself daily goals that you want to do and complete them try and do it consistently and in a few weeks it will become part of your daily routine and you will get used to it and you won’t need anything to remind you.
Gilbert T.
I need to let myself find a flow that balances my needs and the needs of my family and work needs. I currently am not balancing parts of my life effectively, so it’s important that I set myself up for success by taking control of my health and leading from there, hopefully!
Josh Q.
One habit I would add to my afternoon routine is the "What are my three most important tasks?" habit, and then write in the box on the habit what they are. It has helped me prioritize.
Becky F.
Find small things to focus on in the everyday life. Have some focus points for your day, whether it be doing the laundry or go grocery shopping OR meditate for 10 mins, find what is important for you and what makes you happy.
Mia E.
Reward yourself with a little bit of laziness after completing your goals for the day. Make it part of your to do list for the end of the day. Watch an episode of your favorite show or schedule some self care. That will help motivate you to complete the tasks of the day knowing you planned a treat for yourself at the end.
Caitlin O.
Laziness, to me, means knowing you need to do something but finding a way to justify it is not important. Thinking about the Why behind something could be useful at times like that.
Lea N.
Having a goal and creating a plan to reach that goal.. Everyday try to make a list of chores/activities you want to get done within that day and check them off as you go, whatever you don’t finish that day you could always do the next day.
Emily C.
Just do it without thinking when to do it. Doing something is better than thinking about doing it. Even through it may be hard sometimes, I will always feel better after it is done.
Olivia W.
Bring reading material with you in some form wherever you go. Reading is educating or entertainment that helps your brain be active while your body is still. Or set up To-Do task lists in order of priority A B C D and set a goal to accomplish a set number of tasks daily. Then you have a goal and a list to follow.
Kaitlyn U.
Do something you love, like cooking, gardening, clean the house or read a book.
Keep yourselves active from bored.
Cause like me sometimes if I hit the bed, everything seems lazy.
Active brain and active body leave you from laziness
Maureen E.
You will have to start it with a short routine, and do what you have to do during the day, and when is the end of the day you can do what you like doing, it take some or weeks to but persist.
Caroline P.
Make a to do list every evening of minimum 3 things. Laziness is for people who have no dreams so work on your "big" plan every day
Lyna Q.
Use time to study more advanced things so that at the end of the day,i will have a great satisfaction.instead of hearing music and other things,I can study biology
Liona F.
Try to learn new things in your free time. Pick a subject that you are interested in and read about it or watch YouTube videos.

If you ask about the working time, then try to focus for 15 minutes on a specific task. Set the timer and give your best those 15 min.

Nedaa U.
Stick it ti a goal , as long as we have nothing to accomplish we easily become lazy . Occupy your time with plenty of tasks to be done , stick your time to a goal
Guy F.
I make a to do list about what i'm gonna do for a day. I planned what something that i have to achieved in a day. I think, i can be more productive when i put my phone away from me, but if i do that, i will lose a lot of things that important and also cannot tracking my habits and what i have to do. And for me, i have to be motivated and how to make myself motivated is when i look up to my moodboard about productivity.
Ukasz J.
You can make yourself busy with walks, runs, exercises and if you are at home try to do something creative like nice dinner maybe , read a good book at the evening… That's what I'm doing lately and it works 🙂
Eliza U.
This is a question for which iam also trying to find an answer.planning is the first step. First think then write down how you are going to use your time.
Kaitlyn U.
Laziness is either a lack of resources, or a lack of motivation. If it is a lack of resources – then you should focus on rest instead of focusing on efficiency. If it is a lack of motivation – then ask yourself, why are you trying to force yourself to do smth that you don't really want to do?
Dhanya N.
You can effectively use your time by getting productive, motivated and power packed. Move by getting small steps. Set your mind to work mood. Say yourself you can do this. Pick yourself up because no one is going to do this for you. Make yourself out this day. 😊 😃
Jennifer W.
I wish I had a good answer for this. I tend to become quite lazy myself. However, my therapist denies that it is laziness, but rather uncertainty. For this, you have to decide if what you are wanting to do is truly what YOU want to do rather than someone else's goal for you.
Hoya P.
I find that a lot of the time that I feel lazy, I just skip the habit. But then right after I do that I feel like it's a choice I'm making not to change.

So now before I skip a habit, I think, is this really how I want to be? No, it's not. I am trying to improve myself and my habits, and this is just a small step in the direction I want to go in.

Maha N.
Laziness is sometimes good as it helps taking things slowly. efficiency does not equal action, it means you are staying focus on your goals. You’ve got that!
Margie A.
Effectiveness means different things to different people and the first question I would ask is if it’s being defined and is an expectation of external forces or if it comes from an authentic place within. Laziness is also misrepresented, and it could mean your body just needs rest. Our energy levels experience highs and lows consistently throughout the day so turning into those rhythms will help determine when you have the best energy for high and low activities. I also like (and am learning) to give myself permission to relax, breath and take a break. One tool that helps me is to set high priority to dos, and low priority, and it always includes some fun activities for myself-which can be a dog walk, scrolling insta, online shopping, a bath, running or whatever you feel like! Having lots of little things to fill the gaps during high and low energy moments ensures I never feel ineffective at life! Because life is meant for the living, not just the working. Better yet, make work something you like to do. That includes having pets that need attention for me. It’s work, but brings joy and gets me out of bed.
Jasmina I.
Laziness is part of life we need it to recharge. So sometimes doing nothing is what we need. On the other hand if you structure your day with good habits that will allow you to recharge then there will be less need or time for laziness.
Johan Z.
Honestly, it isn't just you who has the problem, I do too! But the most efficient way that I've found to do it, is to keep a to do list and not a timetable, Motivate yourself by watching 5 mins of you favorite show, or reading a book! Thirdly, you can always prioritize and do the easy or fun things first. This way it helps your mind not to think that this is the hardest thing ever. "You go up to the stairs to success, the hardest steps are the final ones, but you can't see them at first !"
Celto O.
Well to be frank it would allow me to actually do something with my life. I feel like I miss out on a lot of things just because I want to watch videos instead of talking with friends or going outside and stuff like that. I find that putting in a little effort to put myself out there pays in dividends but I have to actively do it which is where I leave off sometimes.
Naja U.
I could effectively use my time without laziness by writing a to do list to give me some motivation and to organize things to build more motivation so I can complete things with having a feeling of being lazy
Wyatt C.
Well, it come down to deciding what to do, how to do, are you physical and mentel ready to do? And most importantly is it a comfortable environment to do.
To use time more effectively you should be Real adaptable
And fouce attention
Prepar a do list a today before.
Bahareh N.
Allocate 1-3 minutes for tedious tasks! You have no idea how much you can do in 5 minutes. No task needs to be looooong and dreading. Just a touch and go. You’ll see it motivates and energizes you.
Quentin Q.
I would say set small goals that are achievable and reward your self when you finish them and then slowly make bigger goals
Caroline B.
i feel like you can write a list of all the things you need to do and in between each take a little break like 5 minutes where u can go on your phone so you can’t be as lazy
Brett J.
I could do some workout, meet with freinds or spend this time with family. Also I could do something for myself e.g. make some skin care or something like that.
Elliot Z.
Učit se hned dopoledne, popřípadě dělat úkoly a přípravu na hodiny. Potom si číst, učit se na kytaru, hrát něco dobrého.
Gesine G.
You could create something, write, draw, sculpt, paint, sew, put your time towards something that will be rewarding in the end
Shahriar F.
Drink water and take a break from your work and do what you enjoy to do.Then, come back to the work I hope you will not find that boring.
Amish C.
Break your work down into steps so tiny that each step is a joy and a pleasure.

I find it helps to write down each tiny step

Amber P.
You can start a passion project, or start a new hobby – like playing an instrument, writing poetry, listening to an interesting podcast, etc. When I want to be productive while not doing my main task/work for the day, I usually watch some educational videos on youtube, listen to science podcasts, write, or translate (translating is my "side passion-project"). Other examples of what you could do are: working out, haning out with your friends, cleaning your house, learning how to cook, etc. Or you can do your main task, like homework, if you have anything that you're just procrastinating on. Hope this helps you find something for yourself!
Megan E.
You should track your energy levels. Trying to accomplish a lot when you are low energy won't get you anywhere and might set you back. But most people have a time of day when their focus is strong and their energy is up. Think back to the days you were most productive. At what part of the day were you working? Then protect that time and use it for your most important tasks of the day. But also determine what items on your to-do list can be done when you have no energy and no motivation. And keep those for low energy moments (or days). Do not accomplish these tasks during your high energy time, unless you need a small task to get the ball rolling.
Thay G.
Set a repeating alarm for every hour of the day you want to do some work (I like the 4 hour deep work session on this app). Then when the time comes around physically kick the back of one leg with the other and get going!!
Anna Z.
You can actually fit in a bunch more accomplishments during the day but laziness does affect that. Although sometimes you think it’s hard to get up and do what your supposed to do, its really just a simple task. Took make laziness bother your day, I would recommend making a daily routine or to do. If you already have that down and still struggle, maybe make some notes around the house reminding you to accomplish those to do’s. You could also try making things a little more intresting to make your to do’s fun. Like following them in ABC order (example-Clean room, Homework, Laundry, workout)
Or try fitting in a little free time (5 minutes) in each task. Try marking things fun too.
Claire Y.
Use that “down time” between daily tasks and chores to sit, breathe, be present, and perhaps pick up and read a physical book.
Affirm a positive feeling towards oneself.
Cultivate a feeling of capability and energy to tackle what is next.
Autumn P.
Perhaps try taking multiple breaks as you work to help keep you motivated. For example, the Pomodoro technique breaks work sessions into smaller pieces – making them easier to tackle.
Amary Z.
Anything you put your mind to you can literally do .. it’s a mindset, you have to be ready mentally or you’re never rewdy
Leonor E.
Honestly, I dont know how to answer this but I can tell you that I'm very lazy and the only way to beat it was this app. Every day I wake up and think how I'm gonna make this a productive day and how it's gonna feel good when everything is done. You can do this!
Jay Q.
I like to make a simple timetable and unless I have an appointment or some important task, I plan out one task to do each hour, even if it’s just a a bunch of small 5 minute task, I still spread it out. By doing that it encourages me to get off my couch at least once an hour and by the end of the day I feel like I accomplished a lot.
Emily C.
I am born with the family of responsibility is a must. At a young age my parents taught us to be dependent and be responsible for our selves. They taught us all of the things inside home regardless of gender and always says that be responsible of what you do in life. But as time passed by I become more and more lazy specially when pandemic begin. I sleep late and woke up late. My activities are piled up with their deadlines are on the next day. Until something knocked my sense and I want to be productive and active again but bad habits are hard to get off. I'm having a hard time but I keep trying and trying. I made to do list and try my best to finish them all. Although at first it was hard but just give it a time and take baby steps.
Zoey P.
I think I could rest purposefully, if that makes sense. Like I wouldn’t just sit down when I am bored, but plan, I’m going to take a break at this time today and then continue what I am doing. I could also try to plan as much of the day as I could to keep me from having free time to just sit that turns from five minutes to an hour.
Aisha Y.
I can put down my phone and stay away from social media unless I'm taking a short break from what I'm doing. I can also get out of my head and leave the thinking for later in the day when my mind would he at rest and most logical.
Aiden C.
Not rushing my activities. E.g if having a bath, take time to listen to music, do skin and body care etc. instead of rushing to look at a screen.
Luca O.
Realize wait is keeping you entertained in this lazy state. If is a TV, unplug it, I have I sitting chair I can sit in for hours and get lost in thought. It's going in tge basement. No choice but to do something of value if you remove the distractions
Kaitlyn U.
I'm probably not the best person to ask this question, because I find other people doing things more productively in day-to-day living. For this reason, I started to feel down and this can't be avoided sometimes; I mean comparing yourself to others. So…basically what I do is, I find meaning in every little thing I do. That this may seem ordinarily for some but for me this is my way of filling up my soul, or as long as there's a bit of learning to it even if it doesn't require high-intensity; that should be enough to feel satisfy and be proud to yourself.
Jonathan C.
Envision yourself in the future being a better version and get off it takes effort but it’ll take two seconds to get up and do your work . U can always take out time to relax later and have fun
Aracema N.
If you're a physically active person, I would recommend looking up gymnastics or kung fu stretches for that. If you're a beginner, use the walls or the floor as leverage against your extended arm, as far as you can without hurting yourself. And keep pushing just a little bit further each day. The body takes about 28 days to start producing changes to both exercise and stretching.
Vaishnavi X.
Writing a to do list is the best. If you want you can write your to do list many times a day so that you can set small goals and when you complete them you will feel good and work even harder. One thing you need to keep in mind that, maybe working for a whole will not be enough to get the result you want, so you need to continue working hard till the last day. And motivate yourself from your previous hardwork. You should appreciate yourself for the hardwork you did the whole day but also tell yourself that you have to do it tomorrow too and day after tomorrow too. So that you get desired results in the end. I know how difficult it can be to be persistent but you'll rise against the odds if you keep doing the hardwork till the end. All the best!🤗❤️
Victoria O.
You could read, write, draw, clean, go for a walk, stretch, ect. You can do many things if you are bored to help keep you productive throughout that day. My personal favorite is to read and write.
Anasia Y.
This is a very hard thing for me to do because I have a phone addiction that I am working on. Find things that you love doing. If you really live doing the things you found to do,.it'll be very easy to combat laziness
Shahd V.
Set your goals and go for it , watch videos of lifestyle shape , watch videos of people who plan and do their goals , you are like them too you can plan and do your goals ! Just do it , just go for it .
Lesa Y.
start by doing small tasks and focus on one at the time, it will be easier to focus than. and if you are lazy set some goals for everyday that will also motivate you.
Kimberly Z.
I think we as the human race have put such a negative stigma on what we see as laziness. I think that when we take a single step forward that is something that we need to celebrate. but when our bodies tell us that we need to rest we should listen to that and not deem it as being lazy. That's why I only make my to-do list about four things long.
Nikki T.
I would be able to get a lot more done both at home and outside of the home. I would meet a lot more people and use my time to be more creative by doing more of my art projects.
Donald U.
You could write in a diary and reflect on how your day was and if you have worries about things you could write them down and see if you can fix any of them yourself
Michelle Z.
That’s a good question. One that I personally struggle with. Yet, I find the answer to be rather simple. I think you will find that thought distortions can be applied to more than what you eat. “I don’t feel like right now.” “After this show I will….” These types of comments stop us from being the individuals we want to be. Identify all of your common excuses and write them down. Then list a positive rephrase next to each. For example, “I don’t feel like it right now.” Turns into, “What do feelings have to do with it. Get up and put your best foot forward.” Prove to yourself that although you may not like doing a task, you are really good at it. Keep your list near by to review. When you hear an excuse in your mind, replace it with the rephrase. Then get moving.
Life J.
Don’t want to get out of bed? Make your bed and you won’t even want to sit on it! Making your bed will lift your day, think about what happiness you want to do that day, some day you will live this without thinking and you will go with the flow. I know it may be hard and you want to be productive right this second, but that will just make you crumble.
Anasha X.
Procrastination or laziness is something everyone has. You need to find out why you are procrastinating and then do that task first, then do the rest.
Emily T.
Man. I appreciate this question. I don't know, but I do have some thoughts.

When you look back over your time and feel you were lazy or ineffective, that's the gold mine. At that point, start to do some research. What seems to be contributing for you. Feeling overwhelmed, overcommitted, or limited by my health are my main reasons lately.

But others have been fear of the unknown, insufficient resources, or passive aggression.

I think this fearless exploration internally, combined with unconditional positive regard, is necessary to find efficiency.

I hope this is helpful or inspiring. It has been helpful to think it out and right it out. So thank you.

Thibaut Z.
If you're passionate about changing yourself with an envision of your future successful self soon. You will just be driven passion. Organising your day and daily schedule helps you focus better without feeling boredom since you enjoyed making your schedule in a way appropriate to you
Patsy F.
Buy motivation every time I wake up I go to the fridge and this no reminds me to check on this app so I danced my way to the bathroom get my stuff ready and go outside to get ready to jog with a little healthy snack I come back about 1 minute I get ready to eat a healthy breakfast after that I get ready to study and get my yoga on a stretch that really helps me until night
Kaitlyn U.
Welp usually when I'm bored or if I have any free time I just work on something!
For me I like drawing and writing and making DIY's so I just keep myself busy with them, also I try to make things for people who I love to see them happy!

Or maybe you can just take time to rest, having a break doesn't mean you're lazy.

You can try some of these
– go for a walk (don't forget to put on a mask)
– cook something with a friend or a beloved one
– call or text a beloved one
– read
– meditate
– clean your space
– do some yoga
– exercise
Those are the things I do when I have free time, hope I helped!

Nikolaj G.
I can use my time thinking about my self and searching what i like and what a want to do. I hope that i can fond my happiness and my satisfaction, i love spending time contemplating my whishes and creating my new dimention of anything i want
Emaan Z.
Well tgere are many ways to overcome procastination. Listing some below;
1.Excercise ( 7 to 8 min morning workout can prove extra beneficial)
2.Avoid overeating
3.Meditation or any kind of religious or spiritual practice to observe mindfulness.
4.To-do lists ( if you're a beginner than start with setting short milestones).
Hope this will help.
Stay calm! Stay blessed!
Frida Z.
Trying to find the right amount of work for the day. Too much – will be hard to begin, too little – is so easy that you can do it "later". It is easier to be less lazy when you have goals in mind.
Verity O.
u could use fabulous app that you can get off the app store. They is also another way u could use the focus on your settings to stop all notifications, hope this has helped,
keep focused xx
Grace U.
Sleep enough to have energy for doing tasks in a day
Turn your big tasks into little ones so you can do little things to complete the big things you’ve got to do
Do things that lighten up your mood so that you’re in a good and you are mentally capable of doing lots of work
Mathias C.
At the start, it will be really difficult, sometimes you will not do it because you don't want, but you have to do it even i don't want
Cali S.
You could tidy up your house or personal space, exercise, read or learn or anything that u need or would like to do. Accomplish som
Laur Nio Q.
Honestly, there is not a way that works for everyone. You have to look at who you are and decide what you want to do. Limit screen time is a helpful way but it doesn’t always work. Get the bad part done, that way you can feel 100% better. You don’t want to worry about it- you want to feel free. Take the reins of your own life and don’t let laziness get in the way. You got this <3
Tracey Z.
Do what you like to do. I mean, if you want to spend your time in the most efective way, start with doing little things you like (drawing, writing, reading, exercise, playing musical instrument, baking) and then you are going to continue with doing things that are not procrastinating and it helps you to spend your time more efective. It also helps if you put on some good music, taje a quick look on pinterest and then you can feel more motivated
Manny O.
For me, the best course of action is to write down everything you want to do during the day before you get out of bed. Allocate the time to do those things in sections during the day! Once it’s time to do something, pick a playlist of your choosing and get down to it! (Remember: the type of music you listen to reflects on how you work while listening. So if your cleaning, put on some of your favourites! If you’re working on something, play instrumentals of a genre you like!)
Xoxo Renats R.
first of all i can do more workout, even 10-15minutes or yoga. i can draw more just for fun and relax myself, i can more clean my space(work papers,school etc..), i can go more out just to travel w myself or loved ones. i can meditate or naps (XD) more again just balance and recovery myself, i can do more breath working and ground yourself, i can do more learning about my practice (i have the sketches now)
for now i think it is all.
Elise T.
I realise that there are so many things that I need to do by myself. In the other hand theavailable time is limited . I plan for the things to be doneand did then one at a time. In that sense I don't lazy around
Shalini U.
To-do lists help lots! Ticking things off can give you a boost and motivate you both. If you feel like you’re procrastinating, try to do a one small task at a time 🙂 you can also use the deep work option in the “Make Me Fabulous” to keep you on track
Maryam U.
We are all struggling sometimes to do our work or study but sometimes we get bored and feel unmotivated, so I think, having a break every 30 minutes will help to take a short rest and to start fresh again and you should always motivate yourself. when you have done your tasks you will be more confident, ready to produce, and work more and you can also build good habits to help you, and always remember that time will pass anyway so, try to pass it in the right way. Stay positive ❤
Aurelia P.
I can move my phone to another room or place it out of reach in do not disturb mode. I can combine tasks that need finished and only reward myself with that TV show I've been wanting to watch after everything is completed.
C Me T.
Do something you enjoy but that is productive at the same time, like jamming along to your favorite album while ordering your room. Combine activities so you are motivated to do them
Norma X.
I would have all my to dos done and more if I did better time management and went at a faster rate. I do things very slowly and get distracted very easily.
Idaira Z.
Might be best to ask why you are feeling that way? Are apps making you feel unproductive? Are you sleeping in? Maybe you don't sleep enough and feel tired all day. I think once you do figure that out, you can find a solution. In my case, I decided to take off social media when I'm close to a deadline. I also try to make list (big visible ones, not on phone) so I can see all I have to do and cross them out as I do them. Hope this helps. Goodluck on your journey
Anshpreet X.
You need to find motivation!! Watch some people on social media, get jealous and start doing the work. But remember you have to get a little jealous and need to get motivated more. Don't feel bad or blame yourself. Just do the work for yourself. Remember that you are already good but who doesn't want to be better😉Good Luck👍🏻
Abrar N.
In my opinion, I think enough time sleeping is the important factor here. Then the to do list could help. I'm doing a general to do list for the task I should complete daily, in some cases where I don't have enough time I prepare the most important time for a specified period and arrange the tasks over hours.
Emil P.
Laziness comes from a desire for everything to be easy or have everything take minimum effort. In order to effectively use one's time without laziness, the value of effort must be embraced first. Knowing that more effort produces consistent, worthwhile results will help to promote a desire to complete tasks, thus increasing efficiency. Focus on the ‘why’ of building habits and routines; reaching one’s goals means working towards them as much as possible and trusting that the results will become apparent with consistency. In summation, acknowledge and embrace the role of effort to achieve efficiency without laziness.
Fafon A.
You should have the clearly purpose “why you have to do it effectively, Why you want to do it great” it might knock your mind to realize again that’s why you want to change yourself
Mia B.
Taking the decision to use your time means that there are a couple of things you need to get done but have been procrastinating for a while. In my opinion, try making an environment that you like, for example, if you need to study, sit in a tidy place and rearrange your desk so you can be more comfortable.
Emily B.
First be kinder to yourself—whenever I feel like I’m wasting time I try to make sure I’m addressing all feelings of malaise/my needs first—laziness is a choice; having a hard time getting started isn’t. You’re not lazy you just need a routine—Fabulous will help!
Anas N.
Try to keep your phone away from you, you will find your self doing anything but holding it and eventually, you will start using your time effectively.
Elizabeth X.
It’s really hard, but just eliminate all distractions, I don’t mean things like family, I mean things like social media and YouTube. If you have it, delete it. You can always redownload it when you’re done with your work, but you might not always be able to turn your work in after. It’s important to realize this. If you’re having trouble letting go of social media, (I get it, it’s hard) then I suggest trying to recall every single post you saw last week, or video. If you can’t, then I hope that shows you how trivial social media is.
Ildem N.
First a to do list and a schedule may work. Also plan time for laziness and relaxation aside. Maybe at the end of the day for couple of hours or spread it throughout the day. When I dont do that I find myself sleep procrastinate for example. It may work as in you will keep in mind that you have time for yourself later anyways, so you can do what needs to be done right now. Good luck, lots of love! (By the way this made me realize my own planning mistakes and was very insightful!) best wishes ❤️🌸
Carrie P.
I don’t really appreciate the word laziness unless that’s all there is to explain a situation or feelings
Anyhow what if I want to read a book and be “lazy”at the same time. I am being productive but in relaxing mode so it’s how you view it (if it looks feels like your being lazy I think your inner most thoughts are probably trying to guide you just listen to your self your life should follow in progress and productive happiness