Sara A.
Choose your exercise and begin from little things. As you're getting stronger you'll see you can do better and go on and on whit that exercise. You will feel accomplished!
Thea N.
to stick to an exercise habit i have to remember it everyday, exactly the same way i remember to eat, drink and brush my teeth.
Gem N.
If you have an end goal you can plan little goals to work toward it. Use a daily habit app to remind you to do the exercise. Reward yourself daily with something other than food, such as a facial or a long hot bath. Find exercise you enjoy doing. Dont make the exercise about losing weight. The process of change can be lengthy. Stay enthusiastic
Bita A.
It's better to do it with someone you enjoy hanging out with. Also a certain time of the day when you have most energy. I do it at 8 am after I woke up. Don't aim too high at first. Take small steps and reward yourself
Shahar M.
I started with the one minute workout in fabulous and when I felt like it I went for a walk or a run outside instead, the one minute workout might won't feel like a lot but it helps you build the habit and the foundation, and from there you will start doing harder and harder but more fun things
Abuelezz N.
Large numbers are not necessary in the beginning.
Make your exercise have large variations of workout to different parts of Thebes body.
Choose a suitable place to help you willing to practice, if not, creat your own.
Take a photo for your body once a week to spot differences.
Make your exercise have large variations of workout to different parts of Thebes body.
Choose a suitable place to help you willing to practice, if not, creat your own.
Take a photo for your body once a week to spot differences.