Katie U.
I like to do my exercises around 10am to break up my work day which starts at 5:30am. I go out for a 10 to 15 minute walk then stretch the warmed up muscles. This helps me get through the early afternoon slump.
Gustav Z.
Just the quick 1 minute exercise in the app. I exercise for longer at night and don't have time in the morning before work. The 1 minute workout gives me time to do it while I get my son ready for school
Isab U E.
My personal trainer has started a full body workout using dumbbells and resistance training at home. So not just squats, but also lunges, core workouts, chest presses, bicep curls, tricep extensions, and back rows.
Anton C.
I do a calesthenics training regime, on one day I am meant to do pull ups, squats and practice handstands (although I haven’t actually started practicing handstands yet or learning them) then I do yoga the next day and then I do press ups tricep dips and hanging leg raises. I also sometimes take rest days which I think are important
Melitta N.
I do the 1-Min exercise routine (5x push-ups, 20 sec jumping jacks, 20 sec high knees) just to get my body moving, then I do some basic Mok Yi Pai swings with 5 lb kettlebells. (Will likely add a 1 mile walk, as well)
Candice F.
I usually do my main exercise at night, and I do 26 front lunges (to even out both sides), 25 sit ups, 25 pushups (5 normal, 10 with knees, 5 normal, 5 with knees), 25 bicep curls (with a green resistance band, the type with handles), 25 squats, and a 60s plank. I used to do 30 seconds of an elbow plank but I just recently increased the time to the first 30 seconds of a straight arm plank and the next 30 as an elbow plank. I don't take a break in between. The full routine takes usually less than 8 minutes and I rest for a few seconds in between each exercise. I've been doing this routine for a while and it is keeping me in pretty good shape.
Thea C.
I do a ten minute abs, a ten minute glutes, and then a seven minute full body workout. Sometimes I’ll only do the first two workouts if I didn’t get enough sleep the night before, as those areas are my focus.
Irineu Q.
I have another exercise app called HiFit! You enter your height, weight, and goals (lose weight, gain muscle, etc.) and it makes a custom 30-day exercise plan for you. It starts small and then builds over time. Try it out!
Felix B.
I have just started spin. I bought a NordicTrack and I love it. I have met my goal of 30 minutes every other day and now I’m challenging myself with every day.
Olivia G.
Best suggestion-
Skip all those excercises and start doing soorya namaskara! By doing soorya namaskara, you excercise every single muscle of your body, when done properly wih breathing and correct posture.
Skip all those excercises and start doing soorya namaskara! By doing soorya namaskara, you excercise every single muscle of your body, when done properly wih breathing and correct posture.
Other suggestions include doing pushups, pull-ups, jumping jacks, 7 min complete run, crunches etc.
Chester U.
I do 50 squats holding the last one for as long as I can. I'm thinking about starting jump squats as well. I also do 10-15 push ups, 25 crunches, 50 throwaways, and 70 sec planks and side planks. I try to work out each part of my body to get it moving.
Allison T.
I actually do some yoga stretches to start my day and then later on in the day I would exercise by doing push-ups and sit-ups at times
Reginald F.
I run. I’ve started the C25k program and I get up early to fit the run into my day – and on the last run interval I push myself to run faster.
Frank Michael E.
I put on really loud pop music and do jumping jacks. I started by doing 30 and then I increased them 10 extra jumps a day until I reached a 100. It feels like I am in a concert. It gets me energized and excited for the day.
Sofie Y.
I do about at least 15 minutes of stretching that help me do the splits I do it for 3 days and rest on the 4th. I do a leg workout every day that help slim down the legs. I also do an ab workout for 3 days and rest on the 4th. On the rest days I only do a quick body stretch, the leg workout, and an arm workout.
Amandine Z.
For the past month, I have been doing various stretching exercises which have helped reduce pain. I'm currently working a temporary job where I work 12-hour shifts, which can really put a strain on the body. Some of the stretching exercises I do consist of downward-facing dog, hip rotations, triceps and shoulder stretching, quadriceps and calves stretching, bending forward, torso twisting, cobra pose, and child's pose. I purposefully work my way from neck and shoulders down to legs to ensure that every part of my body is taken care of.
Judd Q.
I do a mini circuit, consisting of tricep dips, various plank styles, push ups, mountain climbers, leg lifts, punches with weights, and other quick exercises. I'll do each one for 50 sec, then rest for 10 sec in between exercises, until I've completed the entire circuit twice. Usually I choose 8 movements per circuit.
Willie O.
I like to go for a morning run, at least 1 mile. Sometimes I will go to the gym after for strength training, and other days I go to yoga.
Elizabeth Z.
I play shuttle with neighbours and friends daily an hour or up . If it rains I will do ground warm ups or turn on 7min workout app (download from Play Store) occassionally.
Charles E.
Hi there! I'm doing my morning exercises for almost 15 years and usually they include just simple stretch exercises plus squats. And that usually helps me to start my day and feel good☺
Clara P.
A variety. It is worth it to cover the waterfront.
That's all body parts, resistance, flexibility. Core is key for strength & endurance but definitely not exclusively.
I do the following, among others:
7 minute Scientific Workout & 7 minute Advanced Scientific Workout are HIITs that work all parts & are both Cardio & some resistance.
Bobby Maximus' Ladder HIIT ("Gym Breaker no Equipment Workout") is classic exercises repackaged but very effective.
All of these are high intensity, short time, very complete & effective.
Go for it!
That's all body parts, resistance, flexibility. Core is key for strength & endurance but definitely not exclusively.
I do the following, among others:
7 minute Scientific Workout & 7 minute Advanced Scientific Workout are HIITs that work all parts & are both Cardio & some resistance.
Bobby Maximus' Ladder HIIT ("Gym Breaker no Equipment Workout") is classic exercises repackaged but very effective.
All of these are high intensity, short time, very complete & effective.
Go for it!
Tracy Z.
I’m doing 10 min yoga each morning before breakfast. On the weekend I did 10 min of dancing as a variation. I would like to start including 10 of cardio soon
Alma A.
I usually play sports or do complementary workouts that enhance my ability in said sport, but that is only because I am an athlete. Otherwise, starting your day with an aerobic excercise (linke running or in your case maybe burpees or jumping squats) is really great i guess!
Sara T.
Squats are great. Good for your core as well. I box for 10 or 15 mins in the morning, just google some different fitness drills the night before, sleep in the clothes i will be training in and hit the bag before breakfast.
Holly Z.
I do stretches on my arms, legs, head/neck, feet, etc. But I also do squats like around 40 I guess but it helps me have energy throughout the day
Jorge J.
Because I am afraid of criticism from my parents, I don't do elaborate workout but instead I jump and I stretch. And my parents are very skeptical of celebrating too, so I do a shakey-shakey quick celebration dance in my room.
Edenira A.
I run for 10 minutes. It is easier in the summer and knowing that it isn’t just 10 minutes helps me do it. Sometimes I run for even longer and other days I can squeeze the 10 minute stuff in the morning + the evening for a total of 20, which is a reasonable workout. Also since it is only 10 minutes on some days I can really go all out. But I don’t feel the pressure that I have to or do that everyday.
Javier W.
I do 3 sets of 50 push ups, 3 sets of 50 sit ups, 3 sets of curls (whatever weight you can manage) 2 sets of 50 crunches, wall sits with 20 pounds on legs, and a light stretch at the end.
Ros Rio T.
Good for you 👏🏼. My morning exercise’s have not been consistant, I am only on my 6th day and still trying different things. Most often I have done a 10 minute morning-yoga-streches with Adrianne (youtube) but also 20 minutes energy healing Chi gong excercises. Today I’m going for 8 elliptical minutes and 2 for the hamstrings.
Ethan F.
I follow the 7 minute routine from the Fabulous App. I like jumping jacks the most. You are doing a great job with squats. Congratulations!
Nelson T.
I like to do some stretching first around yoga poses I have learned and really listen to how my body is feeling. Then, I get into an exercise that involves laying on my back and moving my legs in a bicycle motion while keeping my core engaged. Finally, end up with a high interval training routine.
Martin E.
I’m disabled, so I do lots of chair-based stretching and flexibility exercises. For upper body, I do a modified dumbbell circuit, respecting my varying range of motion. My legs get very gentle stretching, followed by massage to improve circulation.
Less weight, rep cycles as quick as is safe for the type of exercise and your own mobility and grip. 20 second breaks in between each sequence.
I strongly recommend starting with a spotter for even very light weights, to be sure your grip and movements near the head are done safely. This is NOT the place to risk dropping a weight on your face (it can happen 😱😱😱).
Use your electronics (phone, tablet, or even a mirror) to be sure you’re holding posture as best you can. You can track your form progress
That way, too. HTH!
Erique Z.
That sounds wonderful! I just follow my favorite workout youtube channel. She uploads daily so I just do the newest one.
Infante Q.
I struggle to do anything more than a couple of reps, and can't ever hold a plank or do a press up, not really sure why, maybe I have little muscle and I'm not used to it? Well done for the squats, do whatever works for you!
Kathy G.
I do a 7-10 min. Routine that gives you a variety of squats, plank, jumping jacks, leg lifts, running in place, crunches.
Levi Y.
I am a little overweight and i am not able to go to gym so i installed this app called lose weight in 30 days it gives me some exercise and clues about how to eat
Adosindo S.
I like to hold a plank for as long as I can, do a bunch of jumping jacks, and then stretch out whatever feels a little sleepy!
Ivanise C.
I have a hard time beginning so I use the plans in Fabulous to get me started. Easy to follow and I don’t have to think: just start and feel good.
Joanna C.
I am using 30 days challenge app. It's free and gives you 30 days plan for specific body area or general training. In 6 different difficulty level
Lylou T.
A mix of things—I try to do something different each day so I keep it interesting. The regular one I do is P90X’s ab ripper x workout. I did all the reps today! Working on making my form great now 🙂
Valentina F.
My morning exercise is usually a sequence of mobility exercises; from my neck down, I just test the range of motion of every joint and muscle group. If I'm a little bored with that, I'll practice a Tai Chi form.