Do you prep your breakfast before you need it? Do you meal prep for the week? What do you make and how much time do you spend doing that?

Michael Z.
Honestly I've always had the breakfast habit, so I account for the time to prepare it in the morning. I meal prep for the next day and whenever I cook I make surplus so I have a couple more meals. If the leftovers aren't enough for a meal I use other ingredients to make something else.
Michael Z.
I don’t prep my breakfast because I have smoothies for breakfast and I just grab all the stuff I need and put it in a blender. That takes maybe 30 mins depending on how well it blends. Sometimes if I’m running late I have cereal and again there’s no need to prep. That takes about 5 mins to make and eat. Sometimes if my fam bring something yummy home like cinnamon scroll I eat that but it’s unhealthy so I try to avoid it but that takes 2 mins.
Michael Z.
Hi there. To answer your question, yes, of course. There is a type of yoga dedicated to mindfulness and focus – meditation yoga. I've tried it once or twice, not my favourite, to be honest, but you might really like it.

P. S. I don't know who you are but I'm proud of you. For even being this on this app, your actively trying to change your life. Well done and I hope you're doing okay. I know you can do this 😚P. S. I don't know who you are but I'm proud of you. For even being this on this app, your actively trying to change your life. Well done and I hope you're doing okay. I know you can do this 😚