Do you alternate or have a different breakfast everyday?

Roger J.
I usually have the same breakfast every morning. It’s easier for me that way I’m not stuck contemplating what I’ll have.
Elsie J.
It depends on what I have available. This is why I try to keep only healthy breakfast options in the house. If I am out of eggs, I may go for a hot cereal with dates and gs apple. If I’m running late, I may have a protein smoothie with almond milk, banana and frozen berries.
Terri A.
Usually not, I love to have my same stuff, it make my life easier. But somethimes I need to change or I’ve run out of tea exc… stick to the same one prevent me for adding high calories option
Andreas G.
If i don't have time i drink milk with biscuit. Otherwise i prepare something different as often as i can because it's funny
Felecia T.
I have themes that are similar based on my ingredients. As example, I might buy peppers, mushrooms and onions and have that as a frittata one day, an omelet another and with beans on a third morning. I get bored with the same thing daily, but dont also want to have too many options around that could go bad and lead to food waste.
Hans Theo S.
I don't microwave. I eat fruit even a stir fry. In a hurry it's cold cereal yogurt juice I never skip breakfast. I alternate between things I like that are quick and require very little cooking. Sunday I have a big breakfast or eat out after church. Change is good for your digestive system.🤓
Doreen R.
I have the same exact breakfast everyday because it’s part of my routine now! I’m also a college student so it’s not like I can choose to eat something different anyway.
Teodoro P.
No. Some times I eat what is the most convenient for me. Or opt for some thing fast. I feel like I need to put more effort into my breakfast and not rush out the door.
Isabella U.
Sort of. I usually eat eggs everyday but switch up if it’s scrambled, fried, or boiled. I also make sure I have either a piece of whole grain toast and some cheese or a bowl of yogurt and berries every other day.
Ju Ara E.
As of right now, I don’t alternate the protein source. For the fruits and carbs partnof my breakfast I typically alternate what I eat.
Claas W.
I’ve have the same breakfast each day this week, porridge. I prepare itnin and Vance and put it in the fridge.

A little bit of jam or fresh fruit to help.


Ma Lle E.
It depends how I feel, so yes sometimes I wake up and and have musslias I need a quicker enger fix. But if my energy is OK I eat porridge and fruit.
Heidi C.
I try to meal plan so sometimes I will eat the same meal three days in a row. Other times I will prepare two or three different breakfast meals and alternate.
Alban I.
Yes I vary my breakfasts. If I have time I'll do eggs,toast and grilled tomatoes. However if I'm short on time I have granola and yogurt or cereal or just a granola bar and banana.
Miguel N.
I tend to have about three breakfast options. Oats and banana, or eggs bacon and avocado, or yoghurt and nuts and low GI bread. It’s s work in progress!
Brad S.
No I tend to stick to the same overnight oats. It’s just so simple to make and I have always liked having consistent breakfasts, it helps especially to keep my IBS in check!
Timothe Y.
I’m more of a simple routine person so I tend to have the same two or three meals in the morning which just makes things easier I find
Tracy U.
I do tend to have something different everyday but I am still not eating every morning but most. It is however easier when I have the same thing, so I am actually more successful eating breakfast every day if I have the same thing.
Martha U.
Hello 🙂 I actually take the same breakfast but I’ll do little variations of it. My breakfast is composed by a smoothie, a latte and some nuts. But my smoothie will be different each day. I like to change the fruits and veggies I put in it so I’ll have different taste and nutrients every day 🙂 hope this answer your question!
Travis U.
I usually alternate between 3 different breakfasts. I eaither have oatmeal with peanut butter and banana, an egg white omelette with mushrooms and spinach and a side of fruit and toast, or avocado and eggs on toast with a
Eli U.
For me it depends on how my day is starting. If I only have a short time to get ready, I usually have a piece of fruit and a yoghurt, but if I have longer then I will have eggs.
Hermes O.
Of course. It's a must. Don't fall into a mundane routine diet. Spice it up, try new foods. Be brave and explore. Here's a challenge, try yuca root for breakfast. 🙂
Silje W.
At the minute I’m having one. Oats/almond milk/flaxseed/fruit and peanut butter on top just because it’s easy and cheap but sometimes I do alternate wit something more savoury like a healthy veggie breakfast of veggie sausages, beans, spinach,tomatoes and mushrooms 🙂
Mikkel C.
I don't have a different breakfast every day. But I try to buy different ingredients at the beginning of the week so I switch it up every week
Bradley U.
I personally like to keep a variety of options available sometimes I choose the same thing and sometimes I eat something different every day.
Raymond Y.
I have alternate breakfasts. I was doing egg whites and turkey bacon, but found that I was unmotivated to watch over everything on the stove because standing still made me anxious about my routine. So I then started cereal, and prepping the cereal in the bowl the night before- it was great and is now my go to. After talking with a friend, she recommended eat more "living foods". So eat the cereal at home, and carry a trail mix and apple with me throughout my day. The snacks are additions to my breakfast. Finally, if I am truly unmotivated and down time, I have a cup of Nakeds Green Machine fruit smoothie and take me apple and trail mix to fill me up as I can enjoy them.
Nora Y.
I eat the same thing for breakfast every single day. It’s a breakfast I’m still excited for to prepare each day, has good nutrients and keeps me full the whole morning. Being able to make it on auto pilot is also nice for the earlier mornings 😉
I toast a piece of bread, mash some avocado on there, drizzle a bit of sriracha, add a slice of cheese and top it off with an egg!
Jared N.
I have a couple of standard breakfasts, muesli when I need a quick healthy meal, eggs on wkds or days off, toast if I’m not feeling like muesli – with humus and tomato or cucumber. Or sometimes I go out for breaky
Mariara Q.
A different breakfast every day is what makes each day so new and exciting! Routine (ironically) is so boring to me and so I can’t imagine eating the same thing every day.
Glen Z.
I feel silly but I eat the same thing every day. 2 eggs 2 prices of toast. It used to be enough but now not so much. I want to add more fruits but forget
Silke A.
I try to have breakfast everyday. But sometimes when I'm crunching for time, I skip breakfast and it turns into an alternate day plan.
Jessica E.
Not often – I find it easier to eat the same one or two things for breakfast. The regularity makes it feel like a ‘plug and play’ and also allows me to know for sure I am eating one great meal. Also, generally I eat 2 poached eggs and half an avocado for breakfast. It’s become a reliable and filling staple for me.
Angie C.
No, I have corn flakes, muesli, full cream milk, and banana for breakfast everyday. It is more simple hence easier to maintain.
L Rke G.
If I even end up having breakfast, it usually differs. If there is fruit in the house, I might grab something before heading out. But if there isn't, I usually don't eat till lunch. Occasionally I will stop somewhere and get food before school, but not doesn't happen often.
Peyton Q.
Yes, I tend to have different breakfasts everyday lately. There have been periods where I have had the same breakfast every morning.
Katrin U.
I have different breakfasts because if you don’t have a different one it’s kinda boring for me and I like to try new things like avocado toast or eggo waffles and fruit it all depends on your taste buds and time because if I had an hour I would make pancakes if I had one minute to get out the house I would make an effort waffle
Severo Q.
I try my best to alternate and also have different breakfast meals everyday. A protein shake is a must with all those meals though.
Salvador U.
A big staple food in my breakfast is a granola bar, but everything else changes. I try to at least have something with higher protein and something with healthy sugar like fruit or yogurt.
Romain S.
Yes because I tend to get bored of actually eating every day the same thing, I’m actually makiny different recipies everyday. For example today instead of making fried eggs as usual do, I made scrambled eggs. And they were amazing!
Felix Z.
I try to have a couple of different options available. It's difficult to come up with something different every day, and because I never have time to cook, my options are usually fruits, nuts, or energy bars. So I mix and match them depending on what I feel like on that particular day.
Kelly S.
I eat the same breakfast during the work week usually cereal but have something different on the weekend like eggs or waffles.
Aubree C.
I usually go with whatever I have an appetite for and based on what's available around me. I feel like restricting yourself to one breakfast can become monotonous, and you become tempted to break away and eat something massively unhealthy.
Helma U.
On weekdays I eat breakfast at work which is different every day. On weekends, I eat something specific with small changes.
Margie Z.
I alternate it sometimes, but I usually drink coffee very early in the morning, 8 am or so, and then tea, scrambled eggs and bread at 10 am. Sometimes I make a cheese sandwich instead of eggs.
H Lger Q.
I like to make and freeze an egg casserole with green vegetables, turmeric powder, cheese, spices, and milk. I toast individual servings straight from the freezer in the toaster oven for 30 minutes at 325. I also freeze smoothies with greens, protein powder, flax seed, green tea, and fruit. I defrost them in the refrigerator two days ahead of drinking them. They are super smooth and healthy!