Fatima F.
Yes of course, it is always good to meditate after a long day at school or work, you just get rid of all the drama, all the negative thoughts and start fresh again. It helps you concentrate on studying and being nice to your family for the rest of the day.
Ruth G.
It can be very difficult to settle into a headspace that allows you to meditate after a busy day at school or work, but I often find it is the most rewarding time if you just stick with it! Any attempt to take time to simply let your mind relax and focus in on itself will have a positive effect in one way or another
Adri X.
I don't go to school, but I'd imagine that to be like meditating after work. Haven't tried yet, though… I always meditate in the morning after waking up.
עוז לובטון N.
Of course. Every time you are meditating is good. Of course there are circumstances when it is better to meditate than others.