Any tips on how to focus on something I have to study?

Dick O.
My tip is duplication of input. While you are reading your mind will wander. If you use a highlight system AND flash cards WHILE you are reading, your brain will remember a lot more. Bonus: if your highlight and card system is well organized, you will be ahead of the game, come exam time.
Kimyeon V.
I like to write down a study plan before hand so that I have my goals straight. Another thing I like to do is play some nice music, nothing to insane, just some music that is in the background, not in my face
Kadir Q.
First thing first prioritize your study time, stay away from distractions i.e mobile phones or tv. If you’re using laptop and you don’t need the internet turn it off. During the study time make sure there’s nothing in your mind that you’re wondering or worried about. Have discipline and be motivated on your study have a strong reason why you’re studying
Hans W.
Reduce distractions like putting your phone on airplane mode and blocking certain apps.
Try pomodoro technique or simply set a timer of 25 minutes and then a break for 5 minutes and then repeat. You can change the time periods as you like.
Try writing down what you are trying to learn in your own words.
The best way to learn something is to teach it. Try to explain what you learnt to someone else.
Casimiro Q.
Download , Focus Keeper . You’ll make a lot of session of 25 min each with 5 min for pause for the 3 first one and then 15 min for the fourth one . It helps concentration and focus .
Magnus N.
I would suggest to get it out of the way first thing and to maybe listen to relaxing sounds and/or music. Also, try to make the most of it and be productive and organized!
Carol U.
Now that’s interesting, I could laugh but this is some serious stuff okay I usually use music that is my thing. I’m from the Caribbean so I lock in some mellow dancehall reggae or when I’m nervous about what I’m about to ingest from that material, I do classical piano. Dude I’m just saying find music that will soothe you just enough to allow yourself to be open to new information.
Ralph E.
You have be grateful and focused from within cause everything you must do just to blieve..try to put some lofi beat on youtube and start to stady
Otmar F.
You can listen to music, on YouTube there are many to focus on, or you can also use flash cards , there are also apps.. another advice would be to repeat aloud, with yourself or with someone. I hope I was hopeful! (PS I'm Italian so if there are writing mistakes it's because I haven't translated well lol)
Amalie W.
Just start, and remove distractions. You can do it I believe in you. You just have to believe in yourself, and take the first step to success.
Lily X.
find ways that help you take in the information better. for example, you could use flashcards as a form of active recall if you’re a visual learner. another way to help yourself focus is dedicating an area in your home or room purely for work and studying. don’t study in your bed as your bed is supposed to be your place of relaxation and of course, sleep.
Jacquie P.
Make sure you find a topic you're very interested in as to not have your attention stray. Always ask questions and trying to get somebody else involved that way you're motivated to continue.
Addi T.
Have a designated study area; a place where you only associate studying with. It may be a place in your house or it may be somewhere like the library. Also, use the Pomodoro study technique.
Hanspeter F.
Try to do it for a minute and hang on five and ten minutes. After that you can spend at it a few hours until you finished for that day. 😊
Anast Cio A.
When I have to focus on studying I activate the airplane mode in my phone and listen to lofi playlists that I’ve downloaded before. I keep my study area clean and tidy. I follow study accounts on Instagram to keep myself motivated. I always keep myself hydrated and drink tea or coffee while studying. I make a to-do list to feel accomplished after studying. I study along with my friends. And finally I keep track of the amount of time that I’ve studied to feel accomplished and to feel motivated enough to study longer the next time. 🙂
Clarence X.
First and most essential thing to do is to put away or hide any potential distraction like phone, TV, family members^^
Second, make yourself comfortable. It is better to sit up and make a study environment but sometimes you learn better on the couch or bed…
And third- put some time frames, make a schedule you can keep up with- 25 minutes of study and 10 minutes brake…
Akshainie Y.
Well, I struggle without that too. Just yesterday I felt so bad for not focusing on my studies and instead wasting my time on Disney movies. So I promised that today I would. After breakfast, I was starting to go about how I usually do, lie down on my bed and watch a movie or scroll through shorts. So I just forcefully but sweetly persuaded myself into at least getting up and putting my book in front of my view. And threw my phone in my mother's room right before she sleeps so that I can stop myself. Then I reminded myself how I felt just yesterday and viola! I was studying!
Now it's a different story on how I managed to (barely) kept staying awake.
I say that the first thing to do is to make the habit of at least trying to study.
Then try to be mindful. Whenever I catch myself drooling, doodling or distracted then I just give a gentle reminder to keep on track. That kinda works for me.
Phoebe Y.
Umm maybe just if you don't want to study for some reason you should always make yourself do it otherwise you might regret it if you don't do it. But the way I focus is I meditate before hand so that my mind is clear and I can think and focus on what I need to be getting done
Khaleya P.
Well, in order to focus on something you'd have to block out all distractions. Probably move to a quiet room. Have all your supplies in one place,be organized and present in the now. It doesn't make sense to worry about the future if you're trying to focus on the present. Music without lyrics may help and so can a time management app.
Gitta U.
You can play some music (with no lyrics) in the background, it can be classical, some lo-fi or anything that will motivate you to study. You can also use the pomodoro method and set a timer for like 30 min for example. During this time you will only do your task and when it is finished you can take a break to breath, walk a little… And when your pause is finished (e.g for 5 min) you restart the timer to work. Another tip is to put your phone away in airplane mode, so you don't feel the need to scroll on Instagram for hours instead of working 😉
Gavin F.
Honestly I used to use weed but recently I my grades haven’t been all that
And I am on a sobriety journey so I think I would start with junks
Rosa A.
Personally, I like to set a mode on my phone that silent all notifications so I do not get drawn into the beeping of my phone. I know people might have said this to you already but I also suggest going outside or doing something that fills your heart and makes you happy, maybe looking for a new hobby. Hope this helps!
Sarah A.
Think of reasons/motivation for studying subject, and benefits.
Break it up into smaller chunks, connect new info with previous knowledge.
Schedule/ planner works for some people. Discuss subject with others.
T Y.
I’m struggling with this too, I have a part-time job and usually sit down and study at 10 pm, which is exhausting. But i still have to do it so I have some tips. Firstly, plan what assignments you ‘ll do in which time through out the week so you will not have to choose what to do. Secondly, just sit down and study, :)) really :)) try to solve an easy or sample question, and make your self be familiar with the steps of solving those question. Once you understand the core of the problems, it would be much more easier for us to focus. It would be a nightmare if you try to focus on hard problems or exercises first. And of course, thirdly, if you can do the tasks that do not require computer or a phone first, which will help you stay away from the biggest distraction from the beginning and focus more later on. Hope this help and sorry for my bad English. I have a lot of trouble with focus too and it takes time to build the habit, don’t worry. Have a great day!
Jana 145 N.
Active learning , try to make it interesting for example if its something you can visualize draw it and label it ,watch a video about it , maybe its a really complex boring book , then search up on any websites that can summarize it or search up if anyone talked about it on youtube or even ask your professor/teacher about it also eliminate anything that distracts you and put a piece of paper beside you and any thoughts that comes to your head write it and burn it in the end 🔥 or just rip it to pieces , hope this helps .
Effie Y.
Block distractions and make sure you're somewhere quiet, and if that's not possible put some music on. Make sure you know the area before starting and what you specifically should study more or something you have a hard time with.
Choxo Z.
Usually I like to put some lofi beats on, those are really good for helping focus, music without and lyrics and a calming atmosphere, also instead of stressing I guess try calming down and really understanding whatever u were studying
Al Rio C.
First of all, make a habit to set a goal (e.g. today I will read this chapter no matter what)
Secondly, block all the distractions(e.g. your social media, youtube etc.)
Keep yourself hydrated, drink water
Reward yourself
Also, keep taking breaks
Divide your time also
Don't take tension
Mehdi M.
Un consejo para estar concentrado en lo que estás estudiando es tener un lugar limpio, tranquilo y cómodo, que sea sólo dedicado al estudio. Llevar un snack saludable y agua, para no tener la perfecta excusa de ir por ello (y generar distracción). También ayuda mucho poner música tranquila de fondo y alejar todas las distracciones posibles, como telefonos celulares.
Gwendolyn N.
Well, I have difficulties on it too, but I recommend to you take a little nap before your tasks so you can stay more activated for do something’s and you can drink or eat something that give you energy before tasks
David Z.
Block all the distractions. Go to a calm, silent place or put music in your headphones and throw your phone away (if you need it, there are some apps that can block others)
Mary Z.
im not good at it either but what i learned is you just have to do it i mean if you need to study then you just sit on table and open that book
Lawrence Y.
Keep asking yourself 'should I study?' And even if it's just 5minutes going over keywords. Remind yourself what you want. High grades, new skill, anything.

Pomodoro techniques is helpful as well as the Feynman technique where you study then explain it to a person who doesn't know the subject. You cannot look at the information though so it tests your brain

Study motivational speeches motivate me. And try to make a chain. If I do study for 5 days then reward yourself with a treat like reading a comic, going out to a restaurant or something. Then keep prolonging the days to make a habit

Enrique N.
Sessions of 25 minutes and breaks of 5, turn your phone off if you're not able to controll yourself, have a plan for studying so you don't waste time deciding what to do, have a study routine and pretty much enjoy what you're learning
Tracey O.
I tend to listen to music playlists of songs I listen to a lot. When I know the words and how the music flows, it helps me hyperfocus.
Adriana P.
usually I play classical music in the background, but the type of music is your choice the important thing is that it doesn’t have a text. You could do short study sessions interrupted by breaks to always maintain maximum concentration.
Crystal Y.
I suggest you read and highlight your notes. After that you read through your highlighted notes. Make some questions on those notes and give yourself a small test. Also research to make your study more efficient.
Kayla E.
So for me the best thing to do is switch off the phone and concentrate only on studies, I like also videos like "study with me" are very helpful
Britt Q.
Try a promodo and play a good but not to distracting playlist and make sure you stay hydrated, than you'll stay focused longer
Isabel F.
You will need to try so many different techniques before you find something that works for you and that’s okay! Listening to music always helps me study, lyrics or not, but if I’m writing an essay I need full silence or else I can’t concentrate. Change things up. Ask others to help and study quietly together. Remind someone to make you study and if you don’t then you owe them £5. It’s not about motivation it’s about self- discipline, after a while studying will become natural.
Margie A.
Be ready to study. Choose a quiet or one with noise as long as you are confortable. Just take the things you need. Remember your dreams. Meditate, write, do something that makes you happy and feel calm.
Nuki A.
First you have to rwalize that on specific time u should sit down and study, then on that specific time get rid of any thing that can distort u from focusing and just sit and start studying. You can play some sound or music if it helps u, no talking, no eating no messaging. Stidy during some time e.g. 45 mins and hen take a break for 15min.
Taisia B.
Make a schedule from the evening and then just follow it, plan everything in the few days before, so extremely fast things will not disturb you
Kat P.
have something you enjoy and tell yourself that once you complete the task then you can enjoy it! for me i toggle between doing first then enjoying later, or enjoying something then telling myself that since i got to enjoy, i should do at least 40 mins of studying and once i start, i get into the groove and it doesnt seem like a task anymore
Lia T.
The first step is to stop asking and start doing, set a goal for things you know you can do. Then set a task you need to improve and try it in pencil. When your sketch is done you can dedicate around 10 minutes to research how to make cute notes, types of calligraphy, and other simple points. Then redo your notes neatly. Try this with a few small pieces and then do your big pieces without sketching. You wouldn't gotten used to it.
Anna P.
I go on pinterest and search for motivational quotes and I live by them. What I also like to do is just make a little list of all the things I need to get done and it helps me when Im tired.
Lia Z.
Make sure you don't have distractions, don't procrastinate and do the things that will distract you before starting to study.
Martina Z.
Try to find something interesting about what you're studying and if you can't, just remember knowledge is power and every single thing you study will make your brain stronger, so you'll be able to study harder and better the more you study.
Turn off all distractions and set a timer (25 minutes is the best length), set goals and reward yourself afterwards. Remember if you get this done, you'll have more time for other things and you won't stress too much.
Veridiana P.
I'm a student myself, so I'll give you tips that work for me and you can try if they work for you too! Disclaimer: I get distracted very, very easily, so I put extra care in those things to maintain my concentration. The first thing is, when you take notes, make them simple and clean but also catching for your eyes (my suggestion is, just use a simple pen and a colourful marker), highlight the important things so that studying will be less boring. Then, keep in mind that our attention span is not very big (I think it's around an half hour), so don't feel bad if you take a break, just remember to go back to work at some moment! Last thing, when the urge of productivity hits, don't suffocate it, instead go and be productive!
Alexandrino Q.
Set alarms and reminders to remind yourself constantly until you get it done. You could do bits and pieces at a time, and show your grit. How much grit do you have? Can you finish, or is it to hard? You could also add it to your everyday routine.
Jerry E.
Make sure you have a quiet, clean environment to study in. Now keep all essentials nearby when studying, such as water or a nutritious snack. Separate study sessions over a period of time instead of cramming it into a short period. Take a 10 minute break every 30 minutes.
Alban C.
Well what i do is chew gum like peppermint or whatever flavour you prefer, this helps with memory and focus especially if u chew the same flavor in the test or exam.
another is turning off all devices and making sure there is no sound on them, not even on vibrate.
Misty Q.
First, you need to choose a quiet place to avoid any distractions.It is also to let you stay focused on your study.

Second, you must prepare your stationary and gather all the notes and excercises that you'll need to revise/study.

Next , you should give attention on the topic you're studying so you can take note about the points
Make sure to make notes/ anyways so you can understand the points very well.Use I-think map.

Lastly, don't forget to do revision everyday so you can remember the points and memories them in a long term.

Ishwari C.
Make your time table in advance…..and then keep motivating yourself to study,that way it is easier to focus in studies.
Adam W.
I’d say completely power off your phone/ devices and put them in another room. You can listen to music, but make sure it doesn’t distract you. Motivate yourself with your dream for ex. “Thisll get me into medical school”. Watch YouTube videos on the subject you’re studying so that you can understand it better.
Hope this helps! Good luck studying!!
Rafael O.
Find a quiet place to you to study, any place you find comfortable and cozy.
Then try to imagine and connect the things you're learning to real life such as your memories, places you've visited, your hobbies, a film or tv series you've watched etc…
Brian S.
First drink some water, try concentrate and believe in yourself , before starting plan and note it down and after that study and try understand and you need write the thing you are studying so practice writing. And also think that’I have to complete this for someone I love’
DONE very I wish you will complete your study ii have to love your work
Pramati Z.
If are getting distracted the you can take a few deep breaths and get motivated by visiting what you want to get after you finished studying and continue
Michele U.
make sure you have no distractions, i know it’s hard to switch off your phone but listen to music on youtube that way every time you get a text message you have to switch off the music and that will get subtly annoying
Divya F.
I earlier used to struggle a lot with concentrating while studying , and that made me feel very guilty – I felt like I have failed as a student and I’m never going to be good enough but …. I read in an article that whenever u study u remember more towards the beginning and more towards the end of your study session so I started using the pomodro method which is 25mins studying 5 mins break , four session like this and after the fourth take a 15 min break !! U can search more about this on google and can download pomodro study session music , I too do this and I have downloaded it so I put my phone on airplane mode and study with the music (music only no lyrics ) & most importantly what u fill in ur stomach with has a great impact on ur brain
Amelia O.
Make sure your workspace is quiet and calm. Only have work to-do with what your studying out in front of you. Set yourself goals and once you achieve one have a ten minute break and eat or drink then complete your next goal. This will make your amount of work feel less overwhelming .
Armando Z.
Gather all the material needed. Get some good snacks. Turn on some music and just get into the zone. Get as much information in until you can’t anymore.
Scarlett P.
I always find flash card helpful also writing it down with pencil and paper helps you memorize it and also quizzing yourself or having a friend quiz you. Also eliminate any distractions. Silence your phone even put it in a different room if you have to. Also having a clean workspace is important because it helps to focus.
Keitu Z.
I’m not sure the name of the method but you can successfully do about 2 hours of work if you split the time up.
For example, you work for 25 minutes and take a 5 minute break and repeat that 5 time and you would have worked for 2 hours and 5 minutes .
Daniela T.
Umm I would say first of all don't study continuously for a long time. Study for like a good 30-45 mins (and concentrate fully )and then take a break for approx. 10 mins. Also keep the distractions away. I was on Instagram for most of the day. I deactivated my account for some time and trust me it is saving a lot of time . And also keep the working space clean because it gives you the motivation that you need. That's it! I am with you, you'll get better. I wish you all the very best!!💫
Rico N.
Simply enjoy it. Rest, eat, sleep, study. Be clear brained and then study. If you can meet with study groups all the better.
Rene Y.
Organize your text and cut IT in chunks. Start with the hardest subiect and You will feel în the way that u ca-n motivate yourself to lear and stay focused.
Dorota A.
Notice what distracts you and put it away. Mute your phone notifications. Decide how long you will work before you take a break. I personaly work for 25 min and i that time nothing can distracts me. After that time i take a 10-15 min break and in this time i check my phone, eat or do any other things that usually would distract me during work. After a break i go back to work for a other 25 min
Jayden U.
Hi. Sure!
Eliminate any distraction that could lead to procrastination like your phone or the TV.
Clean your desk or where you study and make sure it's a primitive space.
Try to study for 30 minutes then have a 5 minutes break or 10 but don't get too much.
Anna V.
Learning takes a lot of energy, so to have it we need to help our brain.
1. Fulfill basic needs:
– eat something but not too much. Hunger will distract you, over eating makes you sleepy
– drink water and take tea or water with you. Brain needs a lof of liquid
– rest 10 minutes before studying and take a short break every hour. It will prevent distraction
– Organize work space as you like: light, temperature, chair, fragrance etc. It's much more comfortable to stay in a friendly environment.

2. Make a schedule
– we all have individual cycles of activity during the day. If you're a morning person – put more difficult and complicated tasks in the first half of the day. If you're an owl – evening is better
– brain likes routine activities. Make a habit of studying

3. Give yourself a promise to ask for help, it reduce anxiety

4. Make your own soundtrack for studying or use ambient music

Anna P.
Hi , so one tip that had help me is motivating myself and how I do that is by thinking of my goals but since I am a lazy person it is hard , however I remember to stay positive. One thing I often do is changing the place I study so I can be in a different environment and that actually helps . Listening calm music helps me focus , some of the music I suggest is on the ChilledCow youtube channel ect.. Also before I start I listen to a song that I know it will motivate me which helps you stay in a calm and positive mood . Studying especially in a tiring day or when you don’t want to do anything or you’re sad , it’s truly a nightmare but you have to remember that you are doing this for yourself (however don’t force yourself too much)Another tip is to have breaks when you study I usually study about 30 min and have a break for 10 min where I eat something or just relax for a bit . This was too long but I really want to help you and I hope I did . If any of my tips helped you please tell me , I’m curious. DONT FORGET YOU GOT IT .
Maddie N.
I’ve struggled with this my whole life. The Fabulous is the first thing to have helped. I put Do Not Disturb on my phone and computer, turn off notifications, and use the “Forest” app on my phone (sets a timer and I can’t access other apps during that time). I have a Fabulous study routine that begins with Blocking Distractions, so that’s my first step. The next step in my routine is to “Write my To Do” and I tell myself that I know I can do everything on that list without getting distracted. I then set to work and try to remain mindful of not switching tasks which leads to distractions. I then celebrate after, reinforcing my good habit.
Anna P.
Keep any distractions away, especially phone. The more accesible it is, the more it will distract you. Prepare snack or warer in case you feel hungry or thristy. Start studying, don't postpone it. When studying, I like to keep questions of the materials to help memorize. So, instead of just reading it or memorizing paragraphs. Try to turn it into questions. This might also help you to figure out things you do not understand yet.
Hunter O.
Take it in small segments. Focus on the thing you want to study, then focus on something else! Like a video game! Then after 10-15 minutes or so, go back to studying. Repeat this as many times as you need.
Eric Z.
Obviously you have to get rid of any big distractions(like phone,tv or anything else). You can try to put a timer of 25 minutes and then take break because it's not so much time but it's a start. You can also try to put a price after the study session so you would be more motivated to complete this "challenge"(like a sweet, to hang out with your friends,to watch a film or a episode of a tv series…).
Just try to convince yourself that is not to much,that you can do it and everything will be' easier. <3
Aloisia J.
first is to set small goals for your study, I find it more helpful than timer. For example, if you want to study a chapter, divided the work out to 3-5 parts to finish throughout the day. Drink a lot of water also help you feel more energetic to focus on your work. Keep your sense busy, if you need to read, listen to non-lyrical music, etc. Take rest in between, but do something you know that won’t keep your attention too long, like stretching, or listen to a short podcast.
Karl E.
i personally put my phone on the other side of the room so im not tempted to scroll through social media. also putting some calming music for studying on YouTube might help. its always hard starting something new but when you do, its so much easier to continue
Georgia N.
try to block out distractions. find a space to study that you are comfortable in abby won’t be disrupted often.
if you don’t like to work in silence, you can listen to i music WITHOUT LYRICS!
i listen to ambient study music on youtube or study/school subliminals while studying to help me concentrate.
remember to take breaks, even just get up to go to the bathroom or a drink of water.
make sure you have a plan, don’t just work aimlessly.

treat yourself well and have confidence that you will do well!

Harper N.
Sometimes I like to do a time lapse video of me studying. That way it gets me off my phone and I can check it later! But that method doesn’t work for everyone, sometimes u have to make sure ur actually interested in learning something and the subject. If it doesn’t already insterest you, then find ways where it does. Try to cancel out distractions, and have ur phone out of reach. Don’t worry about making your notes really pretty either, because you don’t want to spend an hour working on page right? There are a lot of helpful things to help you study, but I think it really goes to what works best for you. Try to have stretch breaks and drink water. Also having a productive environment is much better than one that makes you want to stay in bed. I am in school, too. And something that has been troubling me is paying attention, because I usually want to scroll through tiktok but what works for me is too immediately start taking notes. Hoped this helped!
Lora A.
Pomodoro method? Try for 10-30min then award your effort. Try not to make the award too tempting though, otherwise you might waste too much time on it or it might distract you.
Anna P.
A method I like to use is study for 20 minutes and then take a break for 5, it helps you brain take a break, you can repeat this like 20;5;20;5, you can also change the time if you would like to study for a longer or shorter amount of time
Tobias B.
create a suitable environment; a good ,arranged space make you fill good and have focus… also have everything ready ; ensure everything you might need is infront of you… always seek knowledge not results . thanks
Noga X.
Try to get the things that district you out of the room you’re studying in. Like, avoid learning near the kitchen or near a TV. Put your phone somewhere else. Study in a quiet room without people that are making noise 🙂
Nicoleta F.
Well, i gues music helps a lot. I search o YouTube for Classical music and it relaxes me so much, also it helps with concentration because you don't hear any noise from your environment. Then is motivation. If you are hypermotivated you'll be to learn anything at any time. I hope my answer was useful, thanks))
Nikolai T.
Spreading out your studying time into intervals with quick breaks in between makes studying much more bearable compared to non stop studying.
Tereza Q.
I am personally also struggling with that and I reccommend working with only a few things you need in your workspace so you keep it clean and organized. You might also want to use cute notebooks, pastel markers and so. Maybe this doesn't because it is different for everyone but if not, good luck with finding it! And I just want you to know you're already doing a great job and I'm proud of you for trying <3
Paulino Q.
Sometimes I get scared how to start a large document so I start with an introductory video on YouTube. It helps to keep me hooked to the topic
Vincent W.
Stay away from social media and any type of electronic devices. Relax yourself and divide in parts of time what you have to study
M Nteha N.
Personally , I can only focus if I'm listening some music. If you are like me you can listen to your favorites musics ( but not the one who make you dance hahaha ). Try the lofi type 😊
Maxim F.
if you want to study, while not distracting yourself i recommend that you have relaxing music on. personally i put raining sounds, it relaxes me and i pay more attention. but that’s not the only option, there are tons more relaxing songs out there. another way, is to make yourself cozy. this is a BIG part. get a blanket, put it on your chair. another way is to close all doors so no distractions are
Daniella P.
Try listening to some lofi hip hop,shut your phone,or just the notifications,try and study in a place near windows,if it's night it's going to be beautiful.Try and arrange or make a schedule of what you're going to study for,and kind of calculate how many minutes it will take.
Mina N.
– eliminate all distractions (put phone on do not disturb, put laptop away [ofc only if you don’t need it to study], tell family you don’t want to be disturbed,..)
– study along with a ‘study with me’ video (can be found on YouTube)
– take frequent breaks
– try different techniques and choose which works best for you (try pomodoro)
– study in a clean space
– aim for at least 6-8 hours of sleep
– nourish yourself well (this actually really helps with concentration)
– go for a short walk in between to clear your mind
– maybe studying in a group works for you, it doesn’t work for everyone tho, find out how you can concentrate best
– don’t be afraid to ask for help!!

I hope i could help you, I’m very proud of you for educating yourself. Keep going

Marsha T.
I'm not a good person when comes to studying. I have focus issues alot, I'm a goldfish natural. So during exam timings I plug into rain sounds or any peacefull music. That actually works, headphones are even better. Gets me into mood
Alison S.
Remove all distractions, certain types of music will help you remember different types of information also chew gum and never study for more than 30 minutes without a break
Antonin O.
Personally I’m not the greatest at studying, but recently I had my science exam and I studied really well for it. What I did was basically relearn the subject by going back and reading the PowerPoints that my teacher taught us with, and I took notes from them. Then I went over all my tests from over the semester and looked over them, saw what I got wrong and fixed it. I also went through my notes writing things down and reviewing it.
Johnni U.
If it helps you can put some songs that aren't too fast and which you don't know the lyrics of but you still like them and try to focus on it again!😘
Sipho Z.
I recently read something that changed my perspective on focus and motivation to focus. Basically, the message was motivation is not what is needed to start but rather starting is what is needed to be motivated. Therefore when you start focusing you will become more focused. The will to be focused does not come from wanting to be more focused
Maddie Z.
I suggest placing anything distracting that can be moved (phone, books, etc) into a different room, and/or figure out your "learning style" (i.e listening, writing, reading, etc.) and catering to that, such as I do. I learn by writing things d so I basically give myself a time limit to write down everything I can remember about the topic being studied. Also, I find setting specific time constraints and alarms for studying (i.e study chapters 1, 2, & 3 for 50 minutes) and then giving myself time to have a reward/break such as quick walkdown the block, or a snack.
Madinabonu A.
Well I think you should make clear your aim. Ask yourself why are you studying, why you need this subject . When you make it clear them make yourself believe that this is your prior aim
Armand Y.
Ok dear….first im not a good english speaker but i will try to…first set your phone to silent mode..go to a room that is quite and peacefully….ok then get your self a rewared but its not your phone..after 45 min of studying. Have a 10 min break ok? Do that untill you finish all. Your tasks and in the end get the rewared ! Plz be careful with alarms..set them to manage your time but not only set them…use them!! Hope this was usefull i love you…❤️
Valdemar Y.
Go to a room that is quiet . Stop thinking snything snd just read so you can remeber and be sbke to understand what your doing . Focus on ur study and you will do great!!!!!
Marga Q.
-Keep distractions far away
-dont think sit down and get it done
-clean environment with resources close to you
-50/15 method to stay focused for longer with breaks
-dont overwhelm yourself with work focus on one thing at a time
– work at your own pace don't stress unless necessary
Nasser Q.
1: limit distractions, I like to have my phone on silent because for me every time I get a notification it distracts me.

2: set goals, you can do this in different ways a way that works for me is setting a timer and telling myself that I’m going to finish my task in that amount of time

3: this one is less of a tip and more of something that helps me personally, I like to listen to music specifically for studying. You can do this by looking up study music online or on Spotify

Hope this helped 🙂

Vanessa U.
Turn off your phone,it maybe distract you, put on some relaxing music, I suggest you "lofi music",it's my favorite. Then drink regularly and eat if you are hungry: it is important for focus!
Make you sure that you are comfortable and then start study in the way you prefer!
Dorifa Y.
Keep away from what might destruct you for example put away your phone or go to a noise free space if that works for you.
I usually set a timer just so that I focus more because I won’t keep thinking how long I have being working. Good luck
Terra Y.
Basically, you have three tips
1/ Study in a quiet environment.
2/ Read the whole book then focus on the important points.
3/ Revise again and again.
The F.
Turn off your phone or put your phone on airplane mode and put it in a drawer or someplace you wont see the device immediately.
Emilie N.
Yeah, first make a schedule of your subjects take away your phone, and start from one subject bye repeating a question again and again until you know it well
Jacob G.
In my opinion, it depends on what you are studying. Make it fun for yourself. You can make it competitive or reward yourself for every answer you get correct. I usually make sure that my notes are all accurate and strong and use those to make flashcards for myself. There is also many many different platforms such as tiktok that have amazing accounts focusing specifically on study habits. Goodluck! <3
Adina J.
I normally open lofi study songs found on YouTube, and try to keep everything distracting away from me. Such as my phone, I keep it in a drawer or charge it in another room. I study from my laptop, and when I’m studying I enter full screen mode for the online textbook, and close every other applications/tabs to keep me from distracting myself.
As from someone with ADHD, I’d say this way works for me
Rutendo X.
I don't know myself too … I'm kinda tryjng to work out what works for me i have tried making a timetable , timeline ,due dates as well but nothing is doing it for me .. right now I'm suppoesed to be reading but I'm on social media it makes me feel bad all the time
Anna P.
Find a ritual. This way you prep your mind to get to work. I always put on comforable clothing, put my hair in a bun, make sure that i have water near me and put on study music (you need to find out what works for you, i use EDM music without lyrics). And then I simply start working. It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you start
Rhonda O.
Get a cup of tea and a bottle of water, noise cancelling headphones and stick on some lofi music. Turn off any unneeded electricals and other distractions and only have your work space lit up to kerp you focused onto it.
Alexander J.
Put your phone and distracting things around you away. Or you can set your phone into focus mode so you can't open any distracting apps. Hope you see this!^^
Jules N.
Study in a dry, cool space with little distractions at a desk. Beds make you sleepy. Put your phone away and make studying enjoyable by using colors.
Apolline Z.
Personally, I like to put myself in a space where I'm comfortable and where distractions are limited. Music can also be a good motivator and focus ploy for study whether it be your favourite band/musician you listen to or calm ambient sounds to ease your mind. (I find that listening to my favourite artist usually distracts me too much; singing along, so thats something to expetiment with). Finding what makes you focus during a study session is all part of learning and discovering what works best for you. Along with that, you can also set goals for that study session so you have something to aim for, which can also help in becoming focused.
Kasper Z.
Set a certain time to do it
Pick on one thing to study at a time
Take breaks in between studying
Make sure you have had something to eat before getting started
Make sure to have some drinks beside you so youre not getting up every 5mins to grab a drink