Again, finding the time for actual gym in this busy life we have?. Work baby transport i fail to have time to do it all and i fell at times overwhelmed.

Patrick B.
Most things achievable in a gym can also be achieved at home in a short period of time or by reordering how you do some things like walking instead of using the car. Google for some ideas and get some momentum
Kayla N.
I would try to go to the gym early in the morning before you go to work and when you get home from work you can spend time with your family even though you may be exhausted it’s worth every second. I know it helps me to spend time with my family even though we might all be on our phones in the living room just knowing that my family is all here with me, it makes me very appreciated and happy
Auid N.
I have a habit of procrastination and this habit almost killed my life. Unfortunately, I have a permanent delay, so I neglected sports
Alex Y.
I like to take things one thing at a time and make working out a part of my routine. Just like eating and showering we make time for it. I also see a trainer two times a week. It helps having someone holding you accountable waiting for you at the gym. Plus if I miss my session I miss out on money, so that’s extra motivation. Lastly, I like to incorporate work outs in unexpected places. For example I had a laser appointment 20 minutes from work and 40 minutes from home. Rather than going straight home after, I went to the local park and hiked for 25 mins instead to watch the sunset. Making work outs fun and enjoyable and not always at the gym is also important. 🙏