to help and be kind. I love animals and nature and don’t want them harmed so I use eco-friendly en animal-friendly products, eat less meat and dairy. And a great purpose is to love myself, so I take good care of my body and listen to it. I have become more mindful!
Without purpose, we wouldn’t evolve.
that it leads me to new insights, new places, new people. While not having purpose would leave me stuck in my old cough doing nothing day in day out
Your purpose might be just in front you.
Aladdin quote by Spinoza that I feel lens itself to the topic
"Further conceive, I beg, that a stone, while continuing in motion, should be capable of thinking and knowing, that it is endeavoring, as far as it can, to continue to move. Such a stone, being conscious merely of its own endeavor and not at all indifferent, would believe itself to be completely free, and would think that it continued in motion solely because of its own wish. This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined."
you need to have the understanding for the reason you were created, so you can have\make goals and try to achieve them which will ultimately give you the motivation & satisfaction in life to make you want to get up every morning & work on achieving the purpose you were created!
But our purpose – to provide for those we love, work to improve ____, and learn 🤗
By defining your purpose, you can align your principles and from there your actions should and will basically show what kind of person you are, here is where the phrase "your actions speak louder than you" starts to make sense.
Explore your mind and define your purpose so you can be sure that every single step, choice or action will get you closer to being that person you idealized in your mind with your purpose fulfilled.
Good Morning!
I don’t feel I have a label on my purpose. I find people like to be around me. I make people feel good. I am positive and generous with compliments and advise. I try to always be encouraging and giving. I think this is my purpose. That’s what I have found so far. I might find another or more eventually but for now that is fine. It might be something we are always searching for as far as I can tell.
Lastly purpose gives your life meaning. You can’t take money, things, or even people with you when you die (excluding action movie like scenes of taking enemies to the grave with you ). So having a purpose really helps give a meaning to not just life but specifically YOUR life. The purpose you lived for is what will remain of you after you die.
I personally feel it’s okay to have several purposes you enjoy. Just make sure they feel right with you.
In summary, purpose creates the persons life. It is like a goal but more of the journey part because it purpose is the process of life.
When time knocks at old age door, you smile and you never regret with… oh no!!!,,, what if I could have…!!!, etc. etc…
It will take time. Some are lucky to have stumbled upon it, while for some, it can be a long journey into years. Don't give up, be patient, introspect a lot, learn to unlearn and try new things.
Find your purpose and it will fire you up to everlasting happiness and success.
All the very best on your Journey. 😊👍
others and because of this our intellects dub us the responsibility of watching out or taking care of our surroundings and our selves. If this was not our purpose from our very inception then our main purpose must have evolved over time, but I personally believe as time has progressed up to the present, humans endeavor to make the best of life and want their lives to ultimately go on forever as well to benefit their progenies after them.