What type of journal do you recommend?

Ali S.
I use one from mi goals it’s got such a lovely layout and has helped me maintain focus on patterns of behaviour and goals I wish to set, helping me stay accountable to them
Jandira E.
A 5 x 8 or hard bound lined journal. Put the starting and ending date in the front page. You can get them Very reasonably and they store easily by the bedside or chair.
Asher E.
I highly recommend getting an A5 sized binder and filler paper. This way, you can fully customize/personalize your journal. You can switch up the type of paper, from plain, lined, graph, & dotted, rearrange the order of the pages as many times as you wish, use tabs, and if you mess up using a permanent writing utensil, you can just recycle that piece of paper and start fresh with a blank one. I seriously cannot recommend this enough.
Nb N.
I use the “write in your journal” habit on Fabulous and has transitioned to digital. It’s so satisfying to cross it off the list at the end of the day, and has reduced the physical clutter around my bed in the evenings.
Julie F.
Definitely use a paper journal. Electronic is convenient and looks nice, but it won't have the same therapeutic effect. I highly recommend picking a notebook that you really like (attractive design, comfortable size, good quality paper, etc.). For example, I use a dot grid 8×10-inch notebook with 28 lb paper. Also, get a pen that writes smoothly for you. Then choose a system that works well for you. I personally prefer a personalized version of bullet journaling because I'd never finish an entry if I elaborated on all my thought and feelings. The most important thing is that your journal is something you choose vs. something you just grabbed. Make it special and you'll feel drawn to use it regularly.
Jussara E.
I’m still trying to find the right journal, a phone one is great cause it’s easily accessible. But I’m a fan of the physical write in a book journal cause it’s more personal.
Maria R.
The Fab Story journal is a really useful tool and it’s wonderful but personally, touching pen to paper just sparks up my creativity. I prefer writing in a physical journal because there’s no limit to what you can write or draw that allows you to fully express yourself.