Isla Z.
My cue is fabulous. This morning I woke up I checked my phone I just looked at the little app square and it reminded me of drinking my glass of water. My reward is the satisfaction of a good day ahead.
Ariosto Q.
My cue is the morning is the constant reminders I give to myself. I continuously make sure that I have everything I need to complete each day. Like, headphones and my water bottle. My reward is the feeling of accomplishment after I complete a task. I'm starting to feel better everysingle day.
Raysa G.
When you finish doing everything, how about reward itself by going to eat raw fish!? It tastes amazing with sprinkles and chocolate sauce. Also why not drink ice tea with onion peelings in it? Organise ur desk and put everything neatly. Sorry. I don’t know why I’m saying this LOL. I’m gonna delete this app now that’s why I’m messing around.
Martha O.
My reward has been to see that I can pursue a habit. I haven’t really been extremely assiduous in some of my fabulous routine errands but when I do, I feel happy just for trying
Christelle Q.
My reward is how I feel after I have done what I set out to do. The fulfillment is the best and the feeling that in the end it wasn't that hard and I'm glad I've done it. My cue is usually my meals. I work out after my morning coffee, when I decide it's time for my protein shake. I go out walking right after lunch and I clean after dinner, which is usually early like around 6pm. I hope this helps.
Bassma Y.
I want to be the best of me, but whenever I try I just can't continue, I want to continue, I don't want to stop, I want to complete my goal, to live better.
Danny Q.
My personal reward is always the progress/ results. I try my best to compliment my work when things got hard and I was struggling mentally.
Evee N.
Before I can even begin to start talking myself out of doing something I start doing my action and tell myself I'll debate it while I'm doing it. Well, once I'm already doing something I tell myself since I already made it that far I might as well keep going. I celebrate by yelling out, "Oh, yeah!" & doing a little dance.