Talytha S.
Pick a time of day that you can allot an hour to cleaning, a area to clean (baby steps), finally set a timer for one hour and clean during that hour only. If you feel you have it in you to extend it after hour is up you can add an additional hour when the timer goes off but only the once. The idea is to not hate cleaning which, if you do too much at once you will, and schedule it in your calendar marked as busy. Take days off to give yourself a break just remember to set this break up in Fabulous. You can setup a Ritual to run on particular days of the week. I also love to put my headphones on an play music I clean to, it helps make time fly.
Oskar X.
Be proactive, don’t procrastinate. Plan, and execute the plans you make!
D Rcio Z.
Stay committed and follow through.