My least favourite room to clean would be my bedroom as I never know where to start! However once it’s done it is nice to sleep in a fresh, tidy room and wake up in one too
My least favourite is the bathroom. Not because i think it gross i don’t but because the stink of bleach and having to bend to wash the tub and the toilet just bothers me and my back. Bleach makes me cough quite badly and it irritates my throat and nose.
Least favorite is the bathroom. Enough said.
My room is now my favourite place to clean.
It makes me feel wonderful when I devote lots of time to make it extra clean and cosy.
I'd say the living room is the worst area to clean, due to the dust – cat hair buildup.
My least favorite is my bedroom. Mainly because I feel like I’m only in it for sleeping. It also just sucks to clean.
I also love doing landary. It smell’s so good! And it’s an amazing satisfaccion when you are done washing all of the landery.
My least favoritt is cleaning the bathroom i feel really unclean after and It’s a boring place to clean…
my least favorite place to clean… the bathroom!!? lol it’s dirty and ew 🙁
For my least favorite area, it's not so much an area just an activity. Doing laundry is my least favorite part of cleaning. More just the whole process of folding and putting away.
The least favourite is the bathroom, its alot of work for a small space.
In order to prevent health issues, I have to clean my kitchen thrice in a day and that’s a tasking job.
My least favorite area to clean is… the bathroom.