What is on your to read bucket list?

Chris A.
Oh, all sorts of stuff. Some fiction things for pleasure, mostly from booktok lol, taking other people’s recommendations and especially if the topic interests me (ex mental health or mostly slice of life or realistic stories, not Fantasy particularly although maybe I just haven’t ventured into that enough), but I’m also open to try whatever. I also have more “intellectual” books in my book list, stuff like fiction with morals or deeper themes, philosophy and so. Right now I’m reading Siddhartha, it’s pretty interesting to me. Also some nonfiction, a biography of someone I was interested in, some various nonfiction like about how we learn – psychology and philosophy interest me, also have one on math I have yet to indulge in haha. I’m in an “intelligence-maxxing” phase as the kids would call it these days (I’m 18) so I’ve been collecting those deeper themes type of books, we also have literature class, and again suggestions from Pinterest mostly, and some well known classics. But that’s just me personally:)