How do you motivate yourself to keep reading every day?

Brooklyn O.
When I read I feel like I am being productive to myself and I like that feeling so I try to motivate myself also it is a good thing to do in your free time.
Heera X.
I am so interested in reading i never forget to read & my boyfriend give me motivation to read bcz he has finished his high school and i'm in 10th so he told me to read something everyday to improve my reading skills and knowledge šŸ˜he's kind and sweet i don't want to dissapoint him so i read atleast for one hour a day
Rebekah F.
honestly, itā€™s tough and i forget often. adding it as my night routine on this app has helped. also, training to do a tough challenge that includes reading everyday which reminds me that i need to be implementing this habit daily to succeed. and i have way too many books piling up in my room to not be reading them haha!