Mary Z.
I wouldn't say that the book necessarily changed my life but there are a few books that have had profound impacts on me. The first is 100 years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez – I don't read much fiction but it blew me away. Other fiction books I loved: The Pearl by John Steinbeck and Ward number six by Chekhov (both short stories).
Non fiction books that have had a huge impact are The Blind Watchmaker (Richard Dawkins) which is about evolution and The Wisdom of Whores by Elizabeth Pisani about the global response to AIDS and also her work on AIDS in Indonesia.
Amanda J.
The Happiness Trap is a book based on ACT; acceptance and compassion therapy. Learning to accept life as it currently is and show myself the same compassion I would for someone else has helped me manage my depression and anxiety a lot better. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to improve the quality of their life, even more so if you have mental health issues.
Graciano T.
How Not To Be Wrong: The Hidden Maths of Daily Life and also The 48 Laws Of Power. Awesome reads, and I definitely know these books helped me in all aspects of my life. If you're going to read only on of these though, I'd highly recommend How Not To Be Wrong: The Hidden Maths Of Daily Life