What have you found helpful for turning off your mind to get some sleep?

Isabella P.
Meditateing for 30 minutes before I go to bed, and doing breathing exercises, really helps me fall asleep. Also listening to a thunderstorm (on my phone), and playing relaxing music helps me fall asleep!!
Hilary T.
My bedtime routine consisting of a set time to turn off electronics, chamomile tea, and my tooth brushing routine. My rrom stays cool, dark. And quiet. I don't force my self to go to sleep. I just allow thoughts to stream passively. If I'm really stressed, I put on jy favorite guided meditation.
Elise Y.
I listen to lofi music or R&B because calm music makes me feel more chill. I do some stretches and do my nightly prayers in my room with the lights dimmed. These steps help me chill out before bed timeee
Carolina O.
Hi! I’ve been doing mindfulness breathing focusing on my body and my 5 senses. Counting the breaths and then feeling the touch of things, the smells, the dark sights with eyes closed, the tastes on my mouth and the sounds around me. I do this for less than 10 minutes and works wonders! Good luck! xx
Ben U.
No phones before bed, meditate before bed to relax body, lavender oil is great as the smell is the smell associated with bedtime
Shawn Q.
Leave the internet alone! If you're on the internet and not getting any rest that's causing going to cause a problem. You need at least 8 hours to sleep every night. To all of the Moms out there, Make sure that you get your kids settled for the night and be consistent. Make time for yourself so you can take care of yourself. Taking a shower or nice bubble bath will help you to relax so you can sleep better. Try some lavender and chamomile bubble bath. You feel much better.
Dw N.
A nice warm bath or shower in the dark or with minimal lighting. Followed by a 10 min full body stretch and 10 mins of meditation. These combine to relax both my body and mind and most importantly sends a clear signal to my mind that its time to rest.