Ross U.
I am learning to do things for myself that create positive, lasting change for a lifetime. And that it is ok, in fact vital for me to do so! By building new habits, the old negative ones just naturally start falling away! Self care is Vital for success of any kind!
Arif Z.
I'm a student doing a Masters in Children's book illustration and Graphic Novels. Very fun stuff! To not procrastinate and make sure I meet the deadlines I set myself certain times of day to go into my studio to draw for the projects we are given 🙂
Catherine P.
I am learning about myself and how to make myself a priority in my life. I recently have felt disconnected from a sense of identity. I am trying to learn who I am and who I want to be, in the future.
I also am trying to learn new habits. Good habits that lead to a more successful and productive life.
Emilie Q.
Currently I'm learning JavaScript basics via free online coursework. I'm also maintaining and producing a personal blog detailing what I've learned about learning. Check it out: