Tilde X.
My personal opinion is any books that describe a utopia or dystopian future. I like the books that set the stage for a new future but something always goes terribly wrong and it’s up to one person to save it. parallel universes and dystopia are the best type of book!
Hannah F.
That’s a subjective question, but a few of my favourites are: The Poisonwood Bible, 1984, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Two of the wisest books I’ve read (I’m currently reading the latter) include The Gifts of Imperfection and Becoming Wise.
Toni G.
I love The Handmaid’s Tale, A Man Called Ove and Memoires of a Gaisha. One is dystopian, one feels very familiar and present day and the last is a historic tale but all have incredible character development and induce a lot of emotion.
Duda F.
The best books of all times are those with Which you develop some sort of thirst for reading, you need to know what's going to happen next and, when you see, time has passed, there's no way you could have stopped in a chapter because it became a pleasure going through this story, through every word. And it's beautifully and completely subjective. Read all you can and you'll be able to answer this question yourself 😀
Gracyn Y.
I have really been enjoying self help magazines and art magazines. My particular favourites are Flow, Breathe, and Bella Grace. They are filled with beautiful pictures and artwork, inspiring articles and great ideas to get you living your best life.
Irina S.
Depends on your genre preference. Personally, I love classics, wisdom of time. Every book broadens perspective one way or another. Makes you think differently. Find what you enjoy. I like to open book on a random page and read 5-10 pages, to see if it resonates with me.
Matthew E.
'Ishmael' by Daniel Quinn
'The Art of Happiness' by the Dalai Lama
… and the Axis Trilogy books for a great fiction read!
'The Art of Happiness' by the Dalai Lama
… and the Axis Trilogy books for a great fiction read!