What are some simple but quality breakfast elements?

Caitlin F.
I think the best breakfast food are the ones that give you energy without being heavy for your stomach. Lately I've been eating yogurt with oath and a hot beverage.
Gloria E.
Things that have protein like meats, nuts and fishes.
It is good to eat something balanced for breakfast like eggs with vegetables
Carlo S.
A mio parere gli ingredienti migliori per una buona colazione sono cereali, frutta secca, caffè oppure thè caldo. La colazione deve contenere pochi zuccheri e molte proteine per evitare di essere scarichi a metà mattinata.
Shahar M.
Chirios, strawberry yogurt with fruits(that's what I'm eating and it is delicious and fast), fruits in general, if you ar e not so hungry try to go to the store and find nuts you like, and at the morning take a handful and eat just one, if you want more eat more, your body is probably not used to breakfast so you need to eat at least one so he will get used to eating in the morning and it will give you appetite
Kent Ninette P.
I eat a protein so eggs or protein shake. I sometimes will have tomatoes as well. If I have time I will make oatmeal with blueberries and milk.