Right now, my biggest barrier is money. Starting up a new hobbie? Money. Going back to college? Money. Traveling, even to the next town over? Money. How do you nagivate financial barriers?

E N.
Money is an interesting topic. Most people don’t really dive into their relationship with money beyond “not having enough” – the best way to get more is to first understand your relationship with it and why you feel trapped in the first place- bad job? Bad at saving? Need to cut expenses? Need education on financial literacy? Visualize the life you want and then investigate what is the true reason you feel you are unable to reach that. Maybe you will find that money isn’t whats holding you back but your own relationship with it. Get a library card and start reading- do a non judgmental deep dive into your expenses- start a vision board and place it prominently in view so you have motivation when you get distracted from your goals. Thea are free things you can do to help. Also look online for things to do in your area that are free. You might be surprised.
Shirley U.
I looked around my 2 room home (apt) and asked myself what unfinished projects were there- and those lead me to take photos as part of my revived interest in photography: long shots, short, different filters, building settings, generally looking close up.
Although it’s ridiculously early, I cleared the gravel between the building and car park planting seeds weekly. Noon else is ever outside and their is great comfort in planting. I also turns my bathtub into a hothouse.
Irmela G.
I usually focus on what I really need. I choose one thing at a time. I avoid thinking about what I do not need. I do not waste my money. I stay open to new opportunities. And usually something happens; I find a way to “receive” the money I need: a second or third job, something to sell, a gift, a way to do what I would like to do without spending any money, a barter, an exchange …
Bruno N.
I assume you don’t have anyone to back you up right? Tight the belt, review your expanses, you’ll be surprised how much money we spend on foolish things. I had a aunt that divided her gains in three parts, one for pay bills, and if was enough she cut off, other part was for savings and the last was for every think she would like to by. It’s hard, I admit, but there’s no change without sacrifices. Good luck to you! Sorry my grammar, I’m not native speaker.
Gwen N.
Man, this is so me! Because of my health, I’ve been dirt poor for a long time and sometimes I do feel like there are barriers and others it offers opportunities. Like hobbies, I was lucky enough to have a sewing machine hand me down but paying for fabric? Forget about it. Then I thought about upcycling things I might find at a thrift store. Soft well used sheets became aprons, stuffed animals, (using my old pillows for stuffing or even fabric scraps) clothes that I loved but needed to fit better we’re transformed, and there are tons of free patterns on the web. The key is having the basic inexpensive tools on hand and then looking at the things that ARE accessible to you and seeing them in a new way. And you might think, thrift store, gross. Nope, people love to hear upcycling stories and they comment on those achievements most often. It’s a huge mental boost too.
Sou F.
Having no money is a fact you cant meditate away obviously. Looking at your goal which all seem to involve money makes me think, that you could adjust your goals to a "lite" version. Choose a hobby which doesnt cost money (jogging, writing, reading, knitting, learn to do a handstand etc.), search for free online resources to study anything, instead of travelling, travel within your town (any parks, attractions?) Revisit places you know and make a photo series about your favorite places of your town, visit your friends, neighbour's, favorite tree. Furthermore think about your resources, make a budget plan for your expenses and set a small amount a side (even if only one dollar) regularly and put it in your dream goal piggy bank, that wont help much but it's a start.