I struggle with the discomfort of exercise. Just to be clear I’m capable of exercising without pain. I just REALLY don’t like it 90% of the time. It literally seems to take me months to work up to higher intensity (even then I still don’t like it 40% of the time) Then the inevitable fail comes and all that work comes to a screeching halt. Any tips for this hamster wheel of a mindset?

Jayla N.
Besides the obvious answer of find an activity you enjoy and then just rock out that low-intensity new hobby, I might have an alternative way of thinking.

Cross training. Pick an activity: dancing, sitting at work, loading the dishwasher, whatever. It can be something you enjoy or just something you need to do on the regular. Pick some exercises that work on the muscle groups engaged. Then you aren’t lifting weights, you’re cross training for bringing in the groceries.
If you fall off the exercise wagon, you just pick another activity to cross train for. Hint: your core is important for literally everything, so there will be some overlap.

Ricky F.
When I struggle with exercising to keep myself motivated I think of ‘what am I going to get out of this’ and I keep pushing my self in a good way. So you should do the same, maybe listen to your fav song or join a gym membership. Hope this helps
Pooja E.
Just start it slowly first start it by 10 min and then day by day slowly increase the time. I hope this helps.

Don't overwork😊💕

Rocio S.
I think you should play your favorite song and do yoga or Pilates or spinning does exercises are the best for beginners and you can also try going on a walk and just reflect everything. Hope this works for you 🫶
Patr Cia I.
David Goggins has inspired thousands of people to improve their lifes through the power of discomfort. It means the more you get out of your comfort zone, the more resilient you’ll be. The more pain you put yourself into, the easier it would be to achieve greatness and pick up another goal.
I can’t really answer this question without being really long, so my advice to you, fellow Fabulous colleague, is to read his book or watch some of his interviews on YouTube. It changed my life. It could change yours.
Mai G.
I don’t remember where I heard this but what keeps me motivated was the thought of the future me who have the result of what I do today
Andrew S.
Hello! Working out has to be something you love and are excited to do. I’ll share my story, I used to do these workout videos everyone was doing during quarantine and whenever I worked out thats all I would do. I would also workout for some time then just stop cause I didn’t feel like working out because it wasn’t something I loved. Then I tried lifting weights. I live it so much and it’s exercising I can look forward to. So lifting might not be your solution, but try something else, try Pilates or maybe lifting or other types of exercises. I knew that lifting wouldn’t get me my results quicker but it is something I would stick to because I love it. But Im not perfect, I had to take a week off I was struggling and just know that I have taken longer breaks but props to you for starting. You are one step of the way there, now find some exercise you live whether its pilates, calisthenics, lifting, cardio, or even walking around your neighborhood. Just moving alone will help you and your body. Have a Fabulous day! hehe<3
Mari O.
I would listen to music that gets me hype as opposed to 'hype music'. Also, pushing two more reps out creates a sense of power that helped motivate me to continue doing it.
Reinald R.
There are lots of types of exercise. Experiment and find something you like. If you can stick with it a month or so you might find you like it. A friend to do it with might be helpful as well.good luck
Georgia N.
Find a form of exercise you actually enjoy doing, whatever exercise you are currently doing might just not be right for you, try some different forms and see which works for you, for example, different gym routines, this could be weightlifting based, cardio based, plyometric based etc, if you prefer the outdoors, walking, running, biking, maybe try different sports like swimming, any team sports. if you find leaving the house to exercise difficult there are so many things you can do from your home also, hope this helps :))