Then try to enjoy the journey itself and let the words pass over you. Much like with meditation, your mind may wander – and it’s really ok if it does. Don’t punish yourself for missing a few details, just take another breath, and keep going. I think what you’re looking for is a “flow” state, where you’re swept away.
Good luck !!
What are your surroundings like? Is it peaceful or noisy?
For recreational reading, I like having some music in the background. Enough to hear it but not enough to get me singing.
For study, I read through once, just read the words, no notes. Then I give myself a break and do something totally different like take a walk, do a chore.
When this is done I come back and read it again. This time taking notes. The notes are to be my way of saying it (this is especially helpful in essays where plagiarism is not ok) and only the very important stuff or you can write it all down.
After this second reading, I ask these 4 questions.
1. What is this reading about in one sentence?
2. What resonated with me?
3. What do I want to learn more about?
4. What do I need to get a better understanding of.
Another thing that helps is the Pomodoro technique. 15 mins reading, 5 min break x 3 and then you get a 30 min break. Google it. It’s amazing.