Tiberiu T.
try to give up as little as possible, today you eat half, tomorrow you eat a sphere and the day after tomorrow you eat only 3 percent of the total, that's what I did and I repeated this process for 2 months and now I'm fine, in the case of fruits, try to eat other fruits , but try as much as possible to eat a little bit of banana too,have a good day!and be blessed
Robyn N.
If you have a lot of dietary restrictions due to health it’s probably best to work with a nutritionist depending on the severity of the symptoms. If you know exactly what you’re able to eat though might be worth taking some time out to browse online for recipes that work for you, than printing or putting them aside as pdf’s as a personal cookbook of recipes that you can try. Then you can keep the ones you enjoy, alter the ones that don’t work or drop the ones you don’t like.
Emma U.
Check out the “anti-candida diet” – it really saved my life from a candida overgrowth in my gut and there are tons of healthy tasty options without any of these inflammatory ingredients.
Eugenia Y.
A very simple breakfast option if you are grain free, dairy free, sugar free and vegan might be chia pudding. It is very easy to make as all you really need is 2 tablespoons of chia seeds and 1/2 a cup of dairy free milk ( I normally use oat milk) and you put it in a container and leave it in the fridge overnight. When you wake up the next day you can just grab it out of the fridge and enjoy, or if you want you can add toppings like fruit or something. Hope you like it, it’s super healthy and saves so much time in the morning!!
Rahul N.
I don’t exactly know if its fully vegan but there is a dish called poha. Its a very popular breakfast in most northern and central parts of india and it has no diary, it has some peanuts and it’s incredibly full filling. Search for recipies on youtube. Its quite popular
Cory N.
So the best option is fruits and salad. If you know subway, they make salads but the addition of sauces in them make them a bit unhealthy. Try it only with black pepper and sea salt. Also you can make delicious smoothie bowls using vegan milk like those from almonds. And if you can't have almonds the you can always use water. Watermelon is the best choice. Usually I just cut a watermelon in half…grab a spoon and start eating while watch tv. So yeah fruits and vegetables is the best choice. And if you ever feel Hungary between meals just drink water and nothing else. This is from my side. Hope it helps you 🤗☺️
So the best option is fruits and salad. If you know subway, they make salads but the addition of sauces in them make them a bit unhealthy. Try it only with black pepper and sea salt. Also you can make delicious smoothie bowls using vegan milk like those from almonds. And if you can't have almonds the you can always use water. Watermelon is the best choice. Usually I just cut a watermelon in half…grab a spoon and start eating while watch tv. So yeah fruits and vegetables is the best choice. And if you ever feel Hungary between meals just drink water and nothing else. This is from my side. Hope it helps you 🤗☺️