I hate to tidy up big parts. For instance a really big shelf which I filled up with all small items. I hate to put my mind to it and tidy it up. But it is such a mess and it just gives a awfull vibe for me. What can I do about it?

Olga P.
I think you should just remove all things from the shelf and let them just down the floor . The shelf will be empty and it will not confuse you . Then you can just declutter the things that you decide to throw away with the first sight and leave the others down . Take some time … and see them again . Pick also your 10 items you really don’t want to give away and put them in the shelf !!
Take your time for the other things … it’s a process that requires some time. Don’t force yourself to do it all in once .
Kurt C.
If you compartmentalize the task it becomes much easier! If everyday or every time you walk past the shelf you see one or two items that can be moved to a new home, or thrown out/donated and it’ll only take one minute to move it- do it!
It’s much more manageable to handle two items than the 30 you might have on the shelf
Mandy F.
Break it down to very doable 10-minute time frame chunks. Clear a section for 3 minutes, clean the section for 3 minutes, take 4 minutes to put it away.
Thomas O.
Slowly start to reduce the amount of possessions you have. For instance, your shelf is only cumbersome based on the fact that it’s a place holder for a good many of your Nic-Nacks. Letting go of these things can often free us from the emotional attachment we place onto objects. Instead of tidying up for a party now and then, try tidying up for your life. The results may amaze you.
Louison E.
You have to realise that if it gives an awful vibe then it doesn’t make you happy. And you want to be happy. First – declutter. Look at the shelf and throw away all the things that don’t have any value or meaning. Then take all the things from the shelf and sort them in useful, meaningful etc. and things you don’t need. Ideally, you should only keep the things from the first pile, but humans are hoarders, so don’t be hard on yourself. Keep only the things that make you happy. There you have it a clean shelf full of things that give you joy
John J.
Try setting a timer for 15 minutes. Do whatever you can in that time to tidy. Once the timer goes off, you’re done. Sit and relax. It can make an overwhelming task easier if you know it’s only a short one. Most people wait for inspiration before doing, but in the doing we find inspiration.
Harry O.
So fe clutter the sheft and put some things other places yh and keep dowing it more often then u are now so it dont. Get as big of a mess and also do parts at a time so do far left then left then middle then right then end right so u are splitting ur sheft into lots of little sectoons and just consatrate on that section at a time and sorta igre the rest of the shelf 😊😊
Nathan C.
Try taking one piece away at a time, and never add to it. Eventually, what takes maybe only a minute a day or sometimes even less will get the shelf clean over a long period of time.
Sophia E.
well, i would try to see if you really need all the small stuff first and clear the stuff you don’t want/need out of the way. after that i would sort through the stuff to see if it would look cute up on shelf. to help you get motivated, i would try listening to one of the talks on this app or try to write it down so when you’re done you can check it off and feel good about it