How to be realiste with the amont of chores you can do in a day?

Clarice N.
break it up into the amount of time each one will take sort them out and do what you can and then don’t stress if you don’t get them all done do some more tomorrow
No Lie Q.
Creat a basic list of things you want to accomplish and don't add it all to the next days to do list. Break that list up i. Small tasks over the course of the week or month
Boaventura P.
When I'm really struggling, everyone in the family joins in and we set a ten of fifteen minute timer to focus on just cleaning. It's amazing how much you can get done in that time.
Hana X.
I take short breaks!
I also plan what chores I will do in a week for example two or three chores a day .
when i do chores i listen to music or watch something to get me motivated! This helps me do my chores well and i set a time for how long i do my chores (like and hour per chore)
Morgan E.
Think positive. Think of the things you will achieve when you have them done, and think about the people who you have helped. Also think of what will happen if you don't. It will still be there and will still need done. So put on some music and get through the chores that you have to do and after feel proud.
Tamara Q.
There’s a few options.
1. Write down all the things that should be done. Next, try to find out how much time every chore takes. When you know that, calculate how many time you have per day and choose what to do.
2. Choose one (type of) room per day and make sure it’s tidy and clean. If you don’t have that many rooms, it means you don’t have to clean every day. If you have more rooms than days in a week, this might not be the best option for you.
3. Keep track of when you’ve done what, using a calendar. Some chores are monthly business (cleaning windows), some half-yearly (checking the battery your fire alarm) and some more regular or even daily (like vacuuming, when you have pets and they shed).
4. Find out what chores you like to do, do these and let the rest be done by someone else. If that isn’t an option; do your favorite chores first thing in the morning, so that when you have an off-day, then at least you’ve done something. The less favorite chores can be done another moment.

Oh, and, if you don’t have one already: get a dishwasher and make it a rule that you put everything in the dishwasher right away!

Ambry P.
Right now I’m trying two main tasks a day. Sweep and Mop Mondays, Laundry on Sundays, etc. It helps me break down the jobs around the house to not seem so overwhelming. This is what I do for weekends or breaks, when I know I’ll have time. I’ve made a list of things that I want to get done. All the things. Then pick the top 5 things to get done. Absolutely Have to get done. I look at my schedule for the day and figure out how much time I’ll need for each task and schedule accordingly.
Christa N.
That’s an easy one for me to answer!!! I struggled with this myself for years. It wasn’t until I suffered a very traumatic accident propelling me into a wheelchair, long term. Everything took longer and more energy than I would have liked. And still does. This has forced me to be realistic with what I can do and perhaps how to do things differently to reach my goal of accomplishments.
I started timing myself. You think that’s crazy? So did I. But the little time and energy it took to time myself and write down how long things take to do, is making me so much more efficient and happier and gives me gratitude and a sense of accomplishment now. And remember, you only time yourself once but will have more of an understanding going forward.
I now schedule and block everything. What I didn’t do is leave ‘buffers’ in my schedule. I do now because sometimes I just need to come up for air. Or things take a bit longer due to unexpected delays, like not realizing I need gas and there was a line up, or someone was running late and now I am late… you get the point. Rest is good too. Just like with high interval training, you rest in between. Refocusing keeps you on track, more efficient and less frustrated. Learning to delegate and asking for help was another very useful lesson.
Carlie U.
I need to make sure that my chores are not taking away from my family time. I also need to try to do chores after the kids are asleep. If I give myself 1.5 hours every night to clean up, then do the kids rooms on the weekend. The house stay clean.
Jayden S.
Map things out! Write down each chore, and beside it write how long you think the chore will take (it’s better to overestimate than underestimate this.)
Andr A Q.
I struggle with this. Sometimes I get so anxious and self critical that I feel I should be able to do everything. But I also know that doing even one thing is a massive achievement on days where I am really low. So that’s what I started with. Just one thing. Sometimes that’s all I can do and I have to remind myself to celebrate that win. Other times I feel afterwards I can do one more thing. Everyday is different. Start with just one thing.
Maritza Z.
Do not write down and make a list with everything that you want to accomplish. There's no way you'll ever get it done in one single day. Pick 3 of the most immediate tasks with 30 minute intervals and consider that a success
Lucie Y.
Hi, For me it works if I set small goals first and then work towards a bigger goal. If I don't achieve what I set out to do on a given day I make sure I do it the following day until I've created an habit. Also it helps in house chores, for example, to divide them by days and create a routine. What I do is clean the bathrooms one day, the next day clean my office and so forth. I hope this helps!
Maia C.
Firstly I put all I want to do in a day on a sticky note, and then I try them out: if I can’t them do in one day I take the longer one out so that I can later split them into two days!
Ignaz Y.
Start with doing only 1 or 2 chores a day. At least this is how I'm working my way through. My goal is to keep my room neat and tidy all the time and I know listing a long list of chores to do once a week is not going to work for me, so I set them up into 1 or 2 a day. Sometimes if you're in the mood or if you have more free time, you could do more! Eventually you'll learn to enjoy doing chores because theres a huge satisfaction of seeing things becoming the way you want through your hard work, and by then, you wouldn't need to force yourself to accomplish a certain amount of chores.
Thomas T.
I'm absolutely terrible at this, so I plan my days in time-blocks instead of an amount of chores.
Say that I, in a normal day where I also need to study, want to clean my windows and my kitchen.
I start planning out how many 45 min blocks (my standard time) of studying I think I need to do, giving myself some leeway.
Then I count out other high-priority tasks like workouts, meals and breaks.
The remainin time is what I have left, and I'll then have to prioritise if the kitchen or the windows are more important and how much time I THINK they will take.
For this example, say that I have 3 45min blocks to work with. I plan 2 of them for the windows and 1 for the kitchen.

If i don't finish in that time I'll have to plan for doing the rest an other day.

With abit of practice with this I've gotten really good at guessing what I'll get don in 45 mins, and I've also learnt to do things more effectively and do the most important things first.

Zanne C.
Sweep and mop floors
Mow and rake the yard
Make a veggie garden
Clean windows and walls
Clean celling fans
Clean the kitchen
Do laundry
Clean out pantry cupboard
Clean fridge
Gerti O.
Sometimes just starting with one chore a day will help you set up the real possibilities of what can get done. There are also different levels of chores. There are daily chores like: clean up after ones self, wipe down counters, dishes, and other every day maintenance. Then there are as needed chores like: sweeping, laundry, buying supplies, washing bed sheets. Do what’s right for your mind and your schedule. And for less frequent chores write them on a calendar so you remember to get them done. Treat it like a date for you and your space.
Nathaniel J.
Set three tasks that you will do, the night before works best for me. Then work towards them. I write mine on a post it note and refer to it regularly to make sure I'm on task (I'm easily distracted). I usually aim for something to improve today (pot plants, cook a new recipe), something medium term (gym or swimming) and long term (study).
Louna W.
You just have to but the chores you feel like you can do and don't but too much then you will be bored and you won't do anything also try not to skip . good luck
Anna Lisa N.
Start by logging your days. Do this for a week or even two days, review your log and see if you could make better use of your time. Prioritizing is helpful and know that resting is actually you doing something; your well rested mind makes you more productive and your body will follow and thank you. Therefore it is very importand that you REST for 10-15 minutes 2-3 times during the day.
During your rest you should laugh and/or smile; it reduces the level of the cortisol stress hormone and its damaging affecets if you dont use it to flee or fight every now and then.
Dont forget to be thankful for having somewhere to be and something to do. Have the most wonderful day every day❣️