How many tasks per day should I write?

Ardingue Q.
I have been sticking with 2-3 simple tasks as my goal. It depends on the total time for each though!
I would never start with 2-3 time consuming or less preferred tasks. This is my first week! Any more would be setting yourself up for something difficult to perform. You may be tempted to skip them, then get frustrated and quit! With a manageable number, you will feel good about yourself when you are successful and they are more likely to STICK as habits!
Diana A.
I feel that writing the top three most important tasks is a great idea, so one doesn't put too much on their plate. However, how are we to quantify these tasks? Is taking five minutes to pay a bill on my phone the same as cleaning dishes for fifteen minutes or exercising for 30 minutes or having dinner with family for two hours?? Also, what if I have one task I'm avoiding, bc it's a big deal. If I break it down into multiple, smaller tasks like most advise, how many of those can I do per day? What if it's something I've never done before, so I have no idea how long it may take? I'm confused about this, as well. Maybe I need a distinction between different tasks. Maybe we could catagorize tasks by length, effort, and importance?? Also, I find if I'm not sure what to prioritize, bc so much seems important, I'll go over the list with my spouse and he will help me make a decision or take some of the tasks off my hands. Sometimes, I can ask for help or delegate. Also, do I write a separate top three list for work? I feel like I need one for work and one for home or I won't get much done at either place.
Joyce Q.
I always make my list too long, always have lofty goals in the morning, always hopeful I’ll get it all done in the same day. I do this with home tasks as well as work. But, I am an executive at work, and most days I get interrupted so many times I never complete the list. At home I’m just as busy as I help with my grandkids ALOT, so again, rarely get the list done in one day. I am totally at peace with it, as I just continue the list the following day, so I know where to start, what still needs to get done, so important items don’t get buried. Often times it is 3-7 days before I get to my work list as I get pulled on to many projects and have to juggle my other daily tasks through OT or delegate to staff, so the list comes in handy for that. And then I just randomly pick days where I refuse to look at the list so I don’t over stress about it. I know that I over schedule myself so I don’t feel guilty about giving myself a break and pick up the list tomorrow.
B Rtil C.
I try to focus on 3 major tasks that could take up most of my time. That helps me get the big stuff done and then I can tackle little tasks either in between or after the 3 major tasks have been completed.
Gladys Z.
You can write as many goals as you want, but make sure that you can accomplish them in a daytime, and a daily basis if it's about creating a habit.
And most important: when you write them all make sure you prioritize the 3 most important ones first, so you can eat the big fish first and then leave the sardines for another day if they're not that urgent.
Long story short: start at least with three, and then go bigger… One step at a time.
Frida B.
Imagine that you start with one task per day. Now, when you realize that this task is already in your routine and you feel more concretized by your achievement, then it is time to give yourself another challenge. In that way you double your joy and start wanting more and more tasks that challenge you.
As we are collecting mini-tasks for our daily lives, we feel more responsible for ourselves. When a task depends on you, the result will make you more proud of yourself.