How do you overcome your mind’s unwillingness to cooperate with your exercise goals?

Noa N.
I tell myself – I have time. It’s only 7 minutes. And keep telling myself I don’t need to arrange something – I can do it with my pajamas. And keep think that it's matter to do only 7 minutes- its good beginning. And it make my body stronger and more shapely! And it give me a good feeling and increases my confidence to feel that I am persevering and successful- meet the challenge.
Reinhart U.
I think when I feel unmotivated. Then I want to start the day over the way I wanted. But i now in life I dont just get what I want but what I deserve.
L Lia C.
It's really very difficult for me. I try very hard to convince myself that I need it. And this app helped me a lot, I have to tell you, its creators, thank you. It's important~
Tessa E.
Make my workout a routine and adapt the workout to what excites me. For example at the moment I love going for jogs so I’ve switched out my normal cardio sessions for joggs
Patric T.
My dog got used to playing with me and walking much quicker than I did, so now he demands it and I can let him down. Also incorporating my dog into my exercise made it fun and useful for both of us.
Aj X.
Start small and simple.but most importantly, be consistent. then let the momentum build. As you get more consistent, you become more competent, which makes you more confident and courageous to add to your exercise routine. I started last year, June with just 30 minutes (or do the 8 minutes) of walking. Now I can exercise 5-6 times a week, gym, cycling and running.
Yash G.
The first thing could be to make your exercise goals less ambitious. The people at Fabulous say this can always be upped. I follow the 7 minute routine that comes with the app. The moment I click on breakfast done, it gives me no time to feel resistance because it is immediate and being done with breakfast is an accomplishment which you want to register with the app, and immediately after that comes the reminder of exercise, so the enthusiasm gets carried over to your exercise. Those times when you feel while exercising that you've had enough, as soon as such a feeling comes over, a voice calls out, "almost done!"
And by the end of it, we all know that feeling when we're through with a workout and we know that despite all the resistance, you're one more time through with one more session.
Friedbert U.
The hardest part is getting there. If you’re physically there (the gym) you’re good because something is absolutely better than nothing!
Nikita W.
Make eating a reward. A healthy enjoyable meal. Make a treat after exercise as flavoured water or pistachios as a nice small treat. Think of the feeling when the workout is complete. Think of the progress already made and the progress I will make to look even better naked. I set a Maximum time I am willing to workout for and complete it