Salih X.
Because I have Multiple Sclerosis, I get distracted easily if I haven’t slept well or am just having a “bad MS day.” For me, I have had to be teachable and utilize the resources available. Prior to MS, I was on top of my game and doing very well in my profession and private practice. I taught University and supervised and mentored other professionals, as well as had a heavy caseload of other professionals in my clientele. I provided CEU’s to colleagues and took CEU’s with Board Certified Specialists. MS quickly humbled me. For the first time in adulthood, I felt vulnerable and unsure. Disorganization and lack of focus was not something I was used too. I had
to let go and walk away from so much that felt a part of my very soul and that I deeply loved and had believed in and walked out everyday. Losing focus was very hard to embrace. Blessed by wonderful and loving friends and an understanding profession, I learned to allow others do for me, to be lovingly reminded and accept others thoughts and differing perspectives. To not take things personally and to view that which may feel like criticism as help and assistance rather than condemnation. I also have an incredible Neurologist as well as the National MS Society who teach me about resources and how to use my environment to my advantage. Though you may not have MS nor need the same tools, the same concept applies. Actively reach out for those whom have walked your path. If you lack support, seek it out. Be conscientious of others time and approach with gratitude. Give as much as you receive to the extent possible. Maintain healthy friendships and be present for your friends, keeping balance and keep them in rotation. In other words, don’t overburden one but allow each to do a little. Most importantly, don’t expect others to have or understand your issue. Simply ask them when you need help. Be willing to let go. If focus is a struggle for you, be humble enough to say, “I need someone else to take the ropes here. I want to be responsible in this matter but I know I’m too forgetful or unfocused and too much is at stake for me or for others to continue with this task or take on a new task, etc” Use apps and/or dayplanners/to-do lists, etc. One of my clients found post it’s across her dashboard to be her best system. For me it’s a list written in my day planner with details included. For focus, I have a pleasant bell alarm that goes off at the top of each hour that requires focus. When I hear it, I return to what I was doing or trying to accomplish. I check in with myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually and refocus. But we whom battle such issues also have to actively participate in long term improvement. Brain health. Meditation, exercise, connection with others, eating healthy, staying hydrated, taking digital breaks, etc. For me, Fabulous and Calm have been incredible resources. And Yoga Studio. Fabulous has helped most with focus by teaching me to maintain routine and stay with it. When I mess up or get off task, to just come back. It does this by providing a checklist of sorts. And participating in answers like this almost feels like I have an Accountability Partner and is motivating. Use your place, wherever it may be, in life, in your journey, to help and teach others and give yourself permission to take breaks, extended mental vacations, but never to checkout. Forward movement even when it’s two steps back. I’m in position to share with University and Medical Systems that which is significantly helping me so now they share in the resource tools they provide others about Fabulous and other Apps. We each have to find our own path but when you forget, lose focus, or operate in a brain fog, it’s easy to feel without purpose. Part of purpose is resting and healing and staying in the game. Blessings in your own journey.
to let go and walk away from so much that felt a part of my very soul and that I deeply loved and had believed in and walked out everyday. Losing focus was very hard to embrace. Blessed by wonderful and loving friends and an understanding profession, I learned to allow others do for me, to be lovingly reminded and accept others thoughts and differing perspectives. To not take things personally and to view that which may feel like criticism as help and assistance rather than condemnation. I also have an incredible Neurologist as well as the National MS Society who teach me about resources and how to use my environment to my advantage. Though you may not have MS nor need the same tools, the same concept applies. Actively reach out for those whom have walked your path. If you lack support, seek it out. Be conscientious of others time and approach with gratitude. Give as much as you receive to the extent possible. Maintain healthy friendships and be present for your friends, keeping balance and keep them in rotation. In other words, don’t overburden one but allow each to do a little. Most importantly, don’t expect others to have or understand your issue. Simply ask them when you need help. Be willing to let go. If focus is a struggle for you, be humble enough to say, “I need someone else to take the ropes here. I want to be responsible in this matter but I know I’m too forgetful or unfocused and too much is at stake for me or for others to continue with this task or take on a new task, etc” Use apps and/or dayplanners/to-do lists, etc. One of my clients found post it’s across her dashboard to be her best system. For me it’s a list written in my day planner with details included. For focus, I have a pleasant bell alarm that goes off at the top of each hour that requires focus. When I hear it, I return to what I was doing or trying to accomplish. I check in with myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually and refocus. But we whom battle such issues also have to actively participate in long term improvement. Brain health. Meditation, exercise, connection with others, eating healthy, staying hydrated, taking digital breaks, etc. For me, Fabulous and Calm have been incredible resources. And Yoga Studio. Fabulous has helped most with focus by teaching me to maintain routine and stay with it. When I mess up or get off task, to just come back. It does this by providing a checklist of sorts. And participating in answers like this almost feels like I have an Accountability Partner and is motivating. Use your place, wherever it may be, in life, in your journey, to help and teach others and give yourself permission to take breaks, extended mental vacations, but never to checkout. Forward movement even when it’s two steps back. I’m in position to share with University and Medical Systems that which is significantly helping me so now they share in the resource tools they provide others about Fabulous and other Apps. We each have to find our own path but when you forget, lose focus, or operate in a brain fog, it’s easy to feel without purpose. Part of purpose is resting and healing and staying in the game. Blessings in your own journey.
Malou N.
Think about what Ente wrong. Take notice of this and create a plan that can encounter the mistakes. Reset your routines and start over again