How do ensure that you stick to your exercise habit when you have other disruptions during the day, for example you have guests staying with you?

Krutika N.
Currently I too am struggling with the exercise habit. To make sure that I stick to the habit i follow the 1min or 7 min exercise routine provided by the app itself. It makes me feel that I am atleast trying. If you have guests at home …you too can follow the 1 min or 7 min routine. It will make sure that you don't break the chain
Claudia P.
Wake up earlier or find even 5 minutes in your day to do exercise. Even small amounts make a difference. If your too busy just leave it for the next day, you don’t really need exercise and have plenty of time the next day!
Lya Y.
For me I try to excuse myself from what's going on, if it is something that will not take long. But for something that is a little more time consuming, I try to do that first thing after my morning routine. As that's a bit more of a private time for myself still and most people are still asleep.