How can I incorporate a disability into a feasible Todo list? Some days are bad, the pain is bad, I am not.

Rachel F.
I guess anything you do should be therapeutic, for your mind and body, what i mean is if you have something to do, try to incorporate something healthy and therapeutic maybe even fun to go along with your duties.
Gaetano F.
Pain is something that could either keep us stuck or keep us on track. Writing your to-dos is like an ibuprofen for the pain. It eases it a bit because Hope is what you feel and your determination drives your courage and passion. If on serious pain, take things slow. Remember, for everything there is a season.
Ines N.
Coming from a car accident I can somewhat relate to the question. I learned that I cannot be too hard on myself when the pain takes over control and it delays or even prevents me in fulfilling things I planned in advance. I must calculate the unpredictability of my condition into the circumstances (my special sort of "stormy days" haha), setting "not too deadly" deadlines, giving myself a margin of more time "just in case I wouldn't be fully in control", daring to ask for help and/or patience when needed. Like this it doesn't ruin my abilities, my reliability, my motivation – it's just another variable factor that must be seriously considered.
Zoeh N.
I would say live by the rule of grace . 80 percent of the time doing things that you need /. Want to do and always allow yourself the grace for that last 20 percent for any day that it’s just too much . On those days a movie in bed is your treat / todo .
Aubrey O.
Try to identify factors which help alleviate the pain and then create your to do list around those thing. For example, if the pain is lessened by yoga, create a daily yoga practice which will go onto your to do list. Also, you could think about things tasks that are manageable even during episodes of pain. I include things on my to do list that are just to de-stress myself, like reading at least one chapter a day or painting. Are these things that could help you relax, despite the pain?
Alfred A.
It depends on your disability. If it’s a rough day just accomplish small tasks. Write a to do list for good and bad days, you do which list works for that day.
Shabi N.
As I sufferfrom chronic illness, I understand the difficulty in keeping a todo list. My approach is to first check in with myself in the morning and evaluate realistically how my energy levels are for the day. Then I write my to do list taking that in account. On bad days my to do list may only have basic things like take a shower, on good days I'll have work, chores etc… but there's no point writing in tasks I know I won't be able to tackle at this time. And finally be kind to yourself and realistic. Bad days happen and they're out of your control.
Zander N.
Try the 1-3-5 method. Instead of making a massive todo list that gives you anxiety, pick 1 big task to do (an over-archihn) task. Then 3 medium tasks to do ex. I’m going to go for a walk outside today for 10 min. Or I’m going to meditate for 10 min. Or I’m going to turn off all my electronics for the night. And then 5 small things like, I’m going to drink a cup of teas or answer an email. This will make you more productive and if you have a physical disability try to get information on what you can do to help it. Wether is physical therapy exercises to drinking more water everyday to stay hydrated to repeating a positive mantra, having a ice heat Motrin’s routine, but a foot massager lol I have a water one and it relaxes me a lot. Also, light stretching is super helpful u don’t need to make a list of stretches u can, but just stretch what feels sore. Basic simple light stretches help u wake up and go to sleep. Have good sleep hygiene- it’s a term look it up. And relax, journal your thoughts, wether it’s gratitude or positivity. Just remember “the only disability in others is the inability to see a person as more.”
Christina Y.
Ideally, you take the days off where your pain is really bad. If that's not possible, try to work with breaking up tasks into smaller tasks so that you can handle doing small tasks when you have a flare-up and take lots and lots of breaks. On days where you're not in too much pain, try to get ahead of your todo list so that your days with more pain gives you room to rest.
Kristien F.
I have a disability myself. At first I putted much pressure on myself to complete my to do lists. Now I know that when I stick to my meditation program every morning, no exeptions, that I pick up my to do list when I feel better. Even if that means 2 or 3 days later than I planned.
Amalie Z.
I hear you, some days I don't do what I put in my list that the App reminds me to do.
I remind myself that not every day is perfect, if I need rest, I must rest but I also remind myself how good I do feel when I have a day of completed tasks. The bottom line for me is pacing myself, being gentle with myself and accepting imperfections.