Eating before exercise or exercising before breakfast?

Madison Q.
Exercise before eating for sure. Cause if you eat before doing things like running, going to the gym, swimming etc… you’ll most likely get a cramp and that would cut your workout short.
Justin Z.
Hi! Licensed pharmacist and current medical student here. This question largely depends on what you’re planning to get out of it. Exercising before breakfast has the added benefit of doing so while fasted, which can be helpful for weight loss, for example. With certain exercise types, namely cardio, you are often better off either doing it before eating or a little while after, as doing so right after a large meal can cause cramping, etc. On the other hand, less intense forms of cardio, such as walking after a meal can be beneficial as it aids digestion. Personally, I enjoy running in the morning on and empty stomach, and walking after a meal. Hope this helps!