Does duration of meditation effect efficiency?

Flenn Y.
I feel like it all depends on what you want and need and I don't think there is a right way or special number. I have had 5 minute sessions do as much as 15 minute ones before. I would say at least 5 minutes. I feel like it takes that long for the body to settle and focus. Aside from that do what feels right and that you have time for.
Brent O.
This is a hard one. To you, what does efficiency mean? Does it mean maximizing productivity or effect? Then the question may be in your way. What happens if you turn the question around? A single breath taken with full intention is the same as 200 or 1 Million, but you need practice to be able to take such a breath. So what happens if you see meditation as a cause without thinking too much about the effects it may have?
Suzanne E.
Short (<10minutes) meditation sessions work best for me. In a 10 minute meditation session I’m able to center my emotions & my “inner self.” I usually meditate 3 times/day. After a session I’m more clear about my central purpose in life & how the situations around me either contribute or take away from those things.
Darryl F.
I don’t think so. It’s really about being in the moment, from moment to moment. I think longer duration allows the space to really get a break from the frantic quality of life and allows the body to rest.
Thibault Y.
Mediation is a great way to just get into one with your true self and just be you and really know what you and need and if you want be better and control yourself or free yourself from life I think it is a good thing every since I started it has helped me a lot less fights and everything and I’m focused on what really matters to me and I’ve found myself a little more
Clareana Q.
Yes. If you do it longer sessions, you can better concentrate on it and you will have more time to think about your purpose, goals, feelings
Ingetraud J.
Duration effects efficiency, but the most important thing is the depth of meditation. More silence, more concentration and more inner awareness means more good quality of meditation.
Victoria Z.
I’m not sure efficiency is the best word to think of when meditating. It’s a long journey to understand how meditation helps your life. After 10 years I am still trying to understand the emotions that arise while meditating. The longer you meditate the easier it is to drop into a deeper place of feeling in my experience. So I guess you can say efficiency of getting into it happens with practice. However some days are easier than others. Good luck on your journey.
Jeff T.
Yes. It will clean up your aura, organize your thoughts and amplify your energy. It is necessary. Is the only way of putting peace on your chest. I eat less when I meditate more often, meditation helps me to come down.
Arif Q.
I find that 10 minutes is perfect for me, especially the “Gateway to Presence” meditation. Anything shorter is not enough, and longer I get bored and lose focus.
Jack U.
In my experience: yes. 10 minutes are way better than 2, but the efficiency improvement curve decreases with increasing minutes, I think
Malou W.
Yes, it does. It’ll help you relax and relief all the thoughts in your mind which can help you get enough sleep for next day.
Joe U.
I think it can, depending on the type of meditation. If it’s deep work and requires introspection and reflection, I think it requires more time. It also depends on the person. Some calm more quickly than others. That said, even a few mins begins transformation.
William E.
The longer the duration the better. Meditating exercises your ability to focus. Just like running out weight lifting when you get comfortable at a certain point you want to increase.
K The F.
First of all, meditation effect efficiency, and for me this is wonderful discover; therefore, even a minute of meditation can improve your efficiency, but also your general wellness during the day. Specifically, I’ve noticed that when I meditate longer -especially at nith just before going to bed- I feel more relaxed and I can fall asleep faster and my sleep’s quality has improved, and this makes me more efficient during the day.
On the other side, when I meditate in the morning as well, I feel very focused and this gives me the right input to face my day.
So yes, the more I meditate, and in different moments, the more I feel well and relaxed and focused, which make me more efficient than usually
Milan Y.
I feel that I get more out of a longer meditation than a shorter one. I don’t use the fabulous app for meditation. I use headspace.
Lopo P.
I think frequency is more important than duration for training the mind to be aware of what's going on in ones inner landscape and training to direct or focus one's mind. I believe duration of a frequent practice over months and years is probably more effective for most people than just a single random session. But when it comes to the duration of a single session, 1,2, or 3 minutes vs 10-20 minutes vs an hour or more… well that is a different matter. Longee sessions have thr benefit of being longer. Its like taking a walk vs taking a hike vs going on a 2 week backpacking trip. All are beneficial and effective and better than not doing. Not everyone can go on a 2 week backpacking trip all the time. Also, if you never walked or hiked and suddenly went on a backpacking trip it might be problematic. If you walk all the time, however, and look forward to the weekend when you can take a hike, you might really enjoy going backpacking on your vacation. Afterwards you would probably tell your friends aboit the awesome time you had backpacking, and not bother mentioning that you took a walk that morning. Same with meditation; long meditation sessions can be a wonderful occasion to process thongs that only begin to surface to our awareness in shorter sessions, but they can't replace or be better than a healthy regular practice.
Emmie Z.
It is not really the length of time but allowing enough time and not pushing for more. Give yourself enough time to feel calm and centered. If you are new to meditation and you are still learning to calm your mind, and if fifteen minutes feels like a long time don’t try to push for a longer session. On the other hand, if you know how to meditate and you feel you need a longer time to become centered on a particular day try to set aside time to allow yourself to get there. Some long time meditators enjoy the occasional lengthy session, but I believe it is best, unless you are an adept, to strive for quality—enough meditation time to feel strong clear and focused and no longer. Actually, I think many people who mediate regularly find it easier to achieve a feeling of clarity in meditation over time.
Timothee Y.
I think there is probably a “sweet spot” i.e. doing enough to build focus in day to day life after which you may not find any further gain. I haven’t discovered what this is yet for myself and it may vary for others. However I listened to an excellent podcast by Dan Harris called “10% Happier” where he answers this question and I think he mentioned he had reduced his daily meditation time from 4 to 2 hours )way more than I manage). There was also discussion that going on a retreat really adds to your practice and daily life focus. There are probably levels of practice that bring their own reward. I think quality of meditation may also impact efficiency for example I seem to be very distracted at the moment so feeling less benefit. Good luck with your practice.
Marie U.
I think the quality of the meditation is more important. If I can fully focus on the present or my breathing for 5 minutes but I just wiggle and wait for 20 minutes to be up I think the 5 is a better investment. Sometimes I only get a few minutes to myself so I’m about quality over quantity
Ottmar F.
Having more time and space to meditate is important and increases efficiency. When you’re meditating on a time crunch, it can create a sense of anxiety. Having more time to explore in your mind without a limit helps the exercise to be more effective
Philip G.
Duration of meditation is important when we seek for the specific answer on the question or questions, when is important to focus more.