Do you write in your journal regardless of if you have something substantial to say?

August C.
ABSOLUTELY. Usually once you actually start putting words on the paper, there will be things to say. If you have trouble thinking of what to say, don’t. Don’t think about it too much. Think of it as writing a note to yourself. Remember, you ARE your audience.
I usually write whatever I was thinking about during the day. If I have no specific thought I want to explore, I write what I did that day.
If you have nothing to say, try this. Set a timer for 10 minutes. Write until the timer goes off. The trick is to keep your pen moving, do NOT go back to read until the end; don’t worry about wording, punctuation, etc.
When the timer rings, you will have found something to say, and it may surprise you as to what you ended up saying.
The most important thing is to keep writing; if you get stuck, write the same word over as many times as it takes for the next words to come to you. And I promise they will.
(What you’re doing is called “freewriting” if you want to look it up. I taught writing for 30 years, and it invariably works to capture thoughts before they escape.)
Villads P.
Of course! Even if I am just writing a list of plans (morning) or what was done that day (night), getting the habit going is the most important aspect of this task, regardless of how substantial what is being rewritten is.
Edeltraut F.
Yes. It’s not about the what necessarily, its about the how I am feeling. Sometimes just unloading a feeling, even a silly one like being bored, helps in many ways.