Do you stick to what you write out and plan?

Benjamin P.
If I have written something down, made a list, etc… I am much more likely to accomplish whatever it is I have set out to do.
Iohana Q.
I would love to give a long answer, but i have the feeling you are just a bot and do not appreciate you pretending to be a person.
So, no, not all the time at least.
Serena J.
I struggle to stick to plans. But when I do find the will power to stick to plans, it repays in more energy and self esteem at the end of the day.
Nona G.
For the most part. It's weird, but writng things down DOES help you get them done. I'm still improving my time management though.

Of course, I don't always get done with 100% of what I plan out, but I do accomplish SOME of the tasks, which is drastically better than getting NOTHING done!

Louane Y.
Half the time, yes. I used to be the type not to plan properly and undertook tasks as they came at me. But literally yesterday, I proudly completed all 18 of the tasks that I had scheduled for the day. I’m very proud to say that it’s coming along very well and I’m going to keep working at it till I can make a lot of things a habit while I keep planning and executing according to my documented plans.
Albert Z.
I try to as much as possible. There are times when your plan just wont work so you should adjust accordingly. Try and be flexible.