Abeer N.
Yes, every day I do one load at a time to avoid accumulations. And I don’t use a dryer.. I hang my clothes to dry. And when dry I fold and put away. The next day the same cycle… I find it’s less stressful…
Venus N.
I have upper body disabilities. They’re invisible even to apps. I wish for inclusive questions and content. It’s taking too long. In the meantime, I’m reliant on psws. As there is a shortage, I’ve no help to do laundry. It’s really bad. I’ve been living like this for over 8 months. Showers, food prep and house cleaning including laundry should not be a privilege in Canada and The U.S Because I’m physically disabled. The govt should help ppl like me under 65! Now💚😭😫 Apps, include us. I can’t. I just can’t
Ernest P.
I do my laundry on a morning, 4 times a week more if I need to, but getting it out the way on a morning helps me tick off something on my list and I feel a boost.
Am Lie Z.
I just do laundry everytime my basket gets full and the moment it does I tried to do it first thing in the morning and lay all the cloths or towels on my bed so I have to fold them and put them away before I can lay on my bed and go to sleep
Naja X.
I do laundry when I run out of clean underwear I don’t really have a routine. I can only do it when I have money for the laundromat or have a friend who has the laundry machine
Dustin Z.
Definitely YES! I schedule days to do this and keep it consistent, or I rearrange my schedule to make sure my clothes don’t pile up.
Elaine E.
Put the laundry in the wash once I notice I'm almost out of underwear. Switch the load over almost a day later. Look at the dry laundry in a couple more days. Put it in a basket and take it to my room. Four days later when the laundry in the basket has almost all been worn again, take the time to fold the rest and put it away. Notice that I'm almost out of underwear and repeat.
Katy Q.
No, but i think i shiuld, anyway 10 minutes is very short time for ckeaning, in this timespan i just can put dishes in dishwasher and do the laundry, thats it,vacuum cleaning, dusting,organising ckean clothes and so many other cleaning jobs take about an hour to finish
Hannah Z.
yup,each day i would have a basket full of dirty clothes, I usually do it as a part of my morning routine before i head out to run my errands
Elizabeth J.
I need to make one! I have some small parts of routines, like: hanging up things that can be worn again overnight to air out, then putting them away the next night, washing my sheets and pajamas weekly, but I need to add having specific days be laundry days
Lotus J.
Yes I try to do laundry on Wednesday but it depends on what is going on. Otherwise I pop my clothes in the washing machine and set a timer on my phone/watch. Once that’s done I put them in the dryer set another timer. Once that’s done I take my clothes out of the dryer into my hamper to carry and take them into my room. Once in my room I dump all my clothes onto the bed for folding/ assorting. Usually I’ll have music or a movie on and once I’m done sorting I put clothes away.
Awrad N.
Day 1: Start the week off right by washing and drying a load. …
Day 2: Wash and dry a load.
Day 3: Wash and dry a load. …
Day 4: Wash and dry a load. …
Day 5: Official Folding/Hanging day. …
Day 6: Adult clothes, towels, and linens. …
Day 7: Break day!
Day 2: Wash and dry a load.
Day 3: Wash and dry a load. …
Day 4: Wash and dry a load. …
Day 5: Official Folding/Hanging day. …
Day 6: Adult clothes, towels, and linens. …
Day 7: Break day!
Lisa W.
Not really, dirty clothes keeps piling up, and newly washed clothes are also in a pile. The closets are all messy, exept for my own, since i cleaned in as last weeks challenge.
Lindsey N.
Yes I do. Once a week I wash my bedding, followed by clothing, followed by towels. It keeps everything clean as I need them and I’m never sleeping in a yucky bed.
Terrance G.
Normally, I wear my favorite shirts first thing after getting them washed. Then, in my head, I have a timeline got when I might want to wear that shirt again. It forces me to go "Hmm, I better do laundry by such and such day if I want to wear this shirt for a specific occasion." I prefer doing my laundry sometime after lunch but before dinner, usually during the weekend in case there's more clothes I need for the week. If I wait until after dinner to do it, I'll get really tired and not want to get out of bed to move the laundry from the washer to the dryer when they are done. If I schedule it too early in the day, though, I'll just keep putting it off for later.
Toxic N.
Yes, on Sunday I wash my clothes with tide pods. Then, after they are done washing I put them in the dryer. Finally, I fold or hang my clothes after they are done drying.
Miss V.
Yes and you should too it's very important because there is alot of diseases in your clothing so you should have a routine
Charlie Z.
I usually do my laundry at the beginning of every week. Now, sometimes that doesn’t really happen, so I just do it when I think about it.
Sophia P.
Sort of. I try to do my laundry on Thursdays, but its typically just gets done whenever I need to do it. And whenever I take my laundry out of the dryer I always fold it as I take it out so I dont have to do it later. And when I do that it's easier to take it to my room and put it away immediately.
Lidia C.
I use to do laundry twice a week for color clothes and white clothes. The day depends on the amount of clothes I have to clean.
Jean Z.
Yes actually. In Monday's, I clean the sheets, Tuesday's I clean the towels, Wednesday's I clean the light color clothes, in Thursday's I clean the black clothes, Friday's I clean white clothes, and on Saturdays I catch up on any other clothes or more I have to do.
Galilea N.
Not really, I just do my laundry when the basket is full, I separate the colors and then dry and put away. It’s kinda fun
Carolina R.
I do not, but I feel like I should, as I end up having almost no more clothes left and tons of laundry to be done in a short space of time!
Jamaya W.
No, but if I did I would do it in Wednesday because it’s the middle of the week, I would separate the clothes from what u need washed and what I don’t need washed at the time. I’ll put the dirty clothes for later in a separate basket, then after the needed clothes finish I would do those. Then I’d fold them all and put the close in the right spots then put it away
Tricia T.
Yes, I have scheduled laundries. Every day I would wash my clothes that I used the day before. Then every weekends, I would was my used pillowcases and blankets and as well as my towels.
Margie J.
uhh no, my mom basically does all the cloth washing for me, and she does it weekly or so, i just keep my clothes in a container where she get them and puts em with other clothes into the washing machine, i however do wash my undergarments while i take bath, everytime, by hand and a rin soap.
Winter Z.
I try to but it’s hard to keep up sometimes with 3 kids, so I just do what I can to keep a steady routine. If I can’t manage for a little while, I hand my kids to my husband and make a whole day out of it. Something like laundry can be hard to remember or fit into a busy day, so it’s really a matter of “ do what you can, when you can”