Silvane S.
To appreciate your life and what you have or the good that happens each day does have a positive affect on you and can make you a happier person. As you go , your list will become longer because your training yourself to see more good in your life . Nothing is too small to be grateful for .
Am Lia Q.
Absolutely. Feeling grateful means I’m more appreciative of the things, people, relationships, opportunities that are good in my life. I start to think of the ways that things could be so much worse and it pulls me out of that negative headspace. I’m very fortunate and I shouldn’t forget that.
Amaury E.
Being grateful helps me appreciate life. That in itself I am intentional with my daily habits and appreciative of the things around me and in front of me. Happy yes as there is so much to be grateful for. Just to wake up.
Tess N.
Not exactly… it’s probably something I need to explore more but sometimes when I reflect on the things I feel grateful for, it make me think of all the people that are suffering in so many ways and it ends up making me feel guilty rather than happy…I try and look at gratitude through a lens of all that I’ve been able to accomplish – all the challenges I’ve faced and surmounted and all the moments of luck I had along the way to help me through it. So, yes, usually reflecting on overcoming challenges and being grateful for those moments does help me feel happier. ❤️
Amarilys T.
Definitely! The more grateful I am, the more I see each day a little brighter and better. I look forward to waking up and experiencing a whole a new day everyday! You never know what life has in store for you and that is why we should be grateful and take each second of our presence in this world as a gift.
Bryanna U.
Only when I really mean it. And only when I see them. I put them on little cards and then tape them to my bathroom mirror. Every morning and evening I smile at the things that make me happy. I’ve only been doing this 3 days and I can already tell that it helps.
Lutfi A.
Yes, of course I do. Being grateful makes me analyze and reflect on good things that I've experienced on the day. That way I could focus my mind on being more positive and overlook the negative thoughts. It really helps me feel happier and more at peace.
Zargy M.
Yes, most definitely. And it’s not just about “being grateful” and that’s it. It’s more about being intentional and reflective when you express your gratitude. You not only take the time to thank people directly for something, but you also take the time for yourself to reflect about your day. For example, I write 3 gratitudes everyday on my journal. I write even more when I am feeling down and negative about stuff because the gratitude part “forces” you to let go of the negative and focus on the positive moments of the day. Make the gratitudes as specific as possible and write about the experience. This fills your mind with better thoughts, tipping the scale from being a negative or so-so day to a positive one.