Marike I.
I am actually a coffee person. But now that I realise that it makes me anxious and impacts my sleep, I have cut back on it and drink my last coffee before 2pm. I don't like English tea, so I drink Rooibos. Which is also good as it doesn't contain any caffeine. I like to add some honey. Maybe I should make the teatime more interesting by getting a variety of teas. Earl Grey, Honeybush etc…
Melaine Z.
I really like having plain Rooibos tea with both sugar and honey in it, any time of day. I'm south African and it's native there so I grew up with it, I now live in Australia so it's nice being able to enjoy something from my home country that is readily available and getting more popular every day.
Hannah W.
Green to for health. I sometimes make it the night before with honey, store it in the fridge and then take it to works in a Chilli bottle. So refreshing on a hot day!
Cora F.
On daily basis, I usually drink black tea. And sometimes when I feel like I am about to have a flu or cough, I'll drink green tea as I read that green tea is good for lungs. These days, I am always have the desire to try different kind of teas. Me and my sister just bought peppermint tea. I didn't expect it would taste good. And next time, I would love to try earl grey tea and hibiscus tea.