What’s the biggest outcome or result you get from decluttering

Rebecca A.
It’s less work to keep up. Once a place is decluttered, it just takes minimal attention to keep it that way. Also, I get rid of everything I don’t love, so now I love my house because I love everything in it.
Gasc O N.
So far, it's looking around and picking the spots I think I can make the goal. Helps me to see what I've been overlooking and addressing what simple
Allie F.
The biggest outcome/result I've had from decluttering is feeling happy and relieved afterwards. You suddenly feel like you are free of all of the things that were holding you back and it makes it so that you can move on with your life and making a better you.
Louna W.
You won't be foucesd , and relaxed . you will be stressed and lazy . that's why you should use fabulous , and when you sit somewhere that is clean you will feel happy about your self , good luck .
Holly Y.
When you de clutter the biggest outcome is having space for doing the stuff you love❤️ I encourage you to de clutter you will feel so much happier and healthier!
Pilar Y.
By cleaning up the area I'm surrounded by, I am unconciously teaching my mind that certain stuff belongs a certain place and by doing that, I teach my mind to do the same with thoughts. So I have a pile of negative thoughts, one for postive thoughts and one for thoughts that need solving.
By doing so I have a clear view of what is a priority and what is not, therefore my steps are far more effective.
Louis P.
What's bad about decluttering is that it accumulates. A small little mess on the table, when left unattended, will soon progress into a whole room of mess. Decluttering will eventually lead to disorganized and messy environment in big terms, and it'll be harder to clean, the more it accumulates. Furthermore, such an environment may constantly annoy you, and it'll be hard to concentrate with the mess all around you, and it'll also be hard to relax knowing that you have mess to clean.

If your area is decluttered as you read, clean up that mess NOW. There's no better timing than now.

Lewis C.
The passive effect is a clearer, calmer mind. More notably though, is that the reduction in small sources of friction during your work and home life allow you to complete activities quickly and more easily.
Compasion C.
I feel the biggest feeling of relief. I feel more open and clean myself. I open up my room to the house and open the windows, play music. I feel like 10lbs was taken off my shoulders. Why don't I do that more? Pure Laziness. I'm changing that.😊
Marie P.
I get a state of peace. I just feel immensely better in a clean environment knowing everything is perfect and there’s nothing to be concerned about.
Karie Z.
I get a sense of peace and joy when I wake up to a tidy space. I do not have the need to clean a space when I want to do something.
Christin U.
I feel less chaotic. It makes me feel much better being at home and going through each room of the house, knowing that everything has a purpose and a meaning, that nothing is there without intention. I don’t have to sift through things that I’ll clearly never use to discover things that I actually need. It’s a sense of freedom.
Victoire Y.
waking up to a tidy environment. makes me feel more organised, more in charge of my life. i also find it easier to start my day when everything is in place and cleaned up.
Nicole U.
Decluttering will make my life Less stressful, decreased judgment from others, increase feeling of peace, organization, and efficiency. My environment will be more welcoming, I think it will make me feel more freedom, creativity, and motivated to be my best. It will make those around me very happy and it will increase my pride, confidence, and ability to welcome guests and socialize in my home.
Tracy F.
When I am tired after a long day of work, I just to brush my teeth and wash my face to go right to sleep. Tidying gives me a sense of accomplishment after a long day of work especially when I am having a bad day.
Freddie O.
Other then finally doing it cos I keep putting it off and that in itself clutters my mind. I think it helps cos it means I've finally let something go. I've started a new chapter in my life. And letting go of that material thing for me lets me know I'm ready to move on and I don't need to hold on to the past via material things (I still have the memories) and getting rid of some stuff that felt stifling to me move towards more positive things as well
Lucy Q.
I feel like my home is cleaner and easier to manage and in the long run I feel like I dont have to focus so much on chores and spend more time with my family
Colleen O.
Obtain that your mind does not have a good focus, poor concentration, low self-esteem for not achieving your achievements, poor cleanliness, not meeting your achievements, not moving forward, not having the courage to continue whit your goals
Camille N.
Physically – our basement closet is free of moths and all old things we were not needing.
Mentally – it is becoming routine to look to locations and see how it can be improved by decluttering. It is becoming less of a chore and more something to look forward to doing.
Sara T.
After decluttering, I feel so much happier! I feel that it is easier to breathe and get work done in a cleaner place. Everything seems brighter and better after I have decluttered. The KonMari method is what I use to help me clean. I love the feeling I get when I have just cleaned a room.