Kiara U.
For me it’s either late at night or early in the morning. The rest of the time I’m far too restless to sit down and study. What would work best for you is a time where you know you will be left unperturbed.
Tina T.
I prefer studying in the morning. Start the day off productively. The mind is still fresh and you have the whole day still ahead of you.
Tracey E.
Time varies for person to person. If you’re someone who feels more relaxed and energetic in the morning, then it’s best you wake up really early (i often wake up at 5:30 am cus i have a big family who disturbs me when they’re awake but you don’t need to wake up that early) and get studying but if you’re a night person, then it’s best to study around midnight when everything around you is quiet and you can stay focused.
Leontina G.
In the morning between 4.30am-9am. Your brain is best there, and studies show that almost all people work best in that timeframe.
Robby F.
I think it depends on your schedule and whether or not you’re a morning person or a night person. The best time for studying is probably when you have the most energy and your attention is the sharpest.
Sara Z.
Personally, I prefer study in the afternoon, after 4 pm is the nest for me. In this whey I can exercise, clean and work before, and so I'm more concentrated. While to write my final course project, I can also use my early evening time, even if I'm a little bit tired, because I need less concentration.
Cemil U.
The best time for me is probably around 8:00 am or 6:00 pm depending on what I'm studying for. Whatever works better for though is what you should go with.
Bianca M.
Really dependa on each person. Some are at their best in the morning and others are night owls. Depends on you when you feel you can concentrate the most. I say experiment and see what works best for you.
Almuth O.
I think the best time is in the morning or in the evening because the temperature is usually nice but there are other things i need to do in the morning and i want to start sleeping earlier so i decided 2pm or 3pm is a good time to start (after lunch time) after you've digested. You just need to find a cool place to set up and after doing it for a while your body gets used to it.
Shabi N.
It really depends on your lifestyle. For me the best moment is after work and before dinner: it means I'm not distracted by thoughts of work tasks that need doing and I'm not quite yet as distracted and unable to concentrate as I am after dinner.
Anvitha G.
I tend to study in the morning after a shower because that is when I feel the freshest. I think it depends on when you feel the best. Many people feel more productive at night and I would say that you should find what works best for you.
Savannah F.
I like to start doing my studying after I eat my breakfast and I will like make myself a cup of tea to keep me focused and relaxed and then I’ll finish in time for lunch and then be able to have to rest of the day to do as I please.
Abbie F.
In the morning just after you do your morning exercise and have some food. That way by lunch you've already done a block of work. Then after lunch a second block of work is useful until 5pm. I personally can't study in the evenings and leave that time to cook a lovely dinner and have some time for relaxation.