Elise N.
Listening to Soothing sounds of Nature. Aswell as lofi music as it calms me down if I’m under a lot of stress and anxiety
Alex R.
Seeking postive forms of social media, quotes, reading my favourite books, talking or seeing people whom I know have my best interests at heart. Sleeping also.
Iksha L.
I'll take some rest. Currently I'm in a bad mood. So I am alone in a room where no one. Can disturb me. I'll listen to music and just relax. Get some sleep and this worked for me. I hope this will work for you.
Hollie Q.
Opening my window shades in the morning to let the beautiful light in, giving me the strength to just get out of bed when all I want to do is curl up and cry. The light gives me strength.
Nicole Y.
Take time to relax for myself, breath, and calm down. Whether it be around other people or by myself. Just doing things that bring me joy, like drawing, hanging out with pets, or using a warm shower/sleep to kind of reset.
Lindsey N.
I revisit something or someone who has inspired me to achieve my own betterment; inspiring poems, or videos I’ve watched that made me feel good. sometimes I listen to a song or speech by someone I admire. If something is feeling too insurmountable, like exercising, I do just one squat. Doing the dishes? Just one plate. 1% is always going to be better than 0%. Also, I’m am extremely lucky to have a best friend who is willing to call me and listen when I’m feeling bad. If you have someone like that who is supportive when your mental state is terrible, text them a quick, “Not feeling great. Just wanted you to know I love you”
Fleur O.
Sometimes exercise helps, work takes my mind off of a lot of things or sleep helps me feel refreshed and ready for a new start.
A cup of tea also helps to fix everything!
A cup of tea also helps to fix everything!
Angela W.
Write it down, type it out, think it through. If it’s too much to handle sometimes, I go on my treadmill, meditate, Or whatever can keep me distracted. Talking to a good friend is also a good idea.
Kamila R.
different things, i try to listen to what my body and mind need. whether it’s meditating, crying, singing, napping, just sitting and doing nothing. i try to remind myself to take a few deep breaths and figure out what i want to do, just take a few moments for myself. the most important thing is to always be kind to yourself, it’s okay to feel negative emotions, they’re as normal and necessary as positive emotions and sometimes they help us figure out some things or help us realise what we need. <3
Meg F.
Music is always my gateway to escape from reality. I play my favorite songs while taking a walk and looking at affirmations from this app called I AM and it helps me smile and forget what has happened
Sue N.
How I feel, the « big » event of my daily life. I also write how I overcame obstacles in my selfcare or professional practice and ponder on ways to improve my results and how I feel about them.
Ella H.
Meditation with crystals an sage just breathing and telling myself that I love myself an I shouldn’t be depressed I’m amazing and I know things are hard but i can make myself happy I just don’t have motivation sometimes but I can do it!