Nelmo Q.
Nothing beats good, strong cup of tea in the morning, looking out the kitchen window at the world – it gets me ready for the day! In the evening, when all the work is done and it's time to wind down, I'll sit and read with a cup of tea and it gets me ready for bed.
Loretta G.
I like to drink a decaffeinated tea before bed, right after I’ve put my phone down for the night. I also tend to do my 3 things I’m grateful for with tea in hand – I find it allows me to actually take the time out to absorb everything rather than just scribbling it all down and jumping straight into getting ready for bed.
Phaidra W.
I really like having a calm cup of Earl grey before I start my day, but a cup of camomile just before bed is amazing. #basic
Kenneth A.
I think everyone has their own perfect time to enjoy their tea. I like to drink my tea between 3 pm and 5 pm because during that time I tend to get a bit tired and tea always helps me to feel more awake (kinda like coffee but healthier.) Hope you’ll find your own perfect tea time!
Nicole O.
I usually do 9 or 10 o clock. I use it to trigger my "winding down" mentality. Whatever I'm doing (reading, tv, video games) is then mentally in its last hour, and after that I get ready for bed.