1. You know yourself fairly well and understand what your values are, what your beliefs are, what you want from your life.
2. You are clear about where you are and where you want to go and have spent the time thinking about why you want to get there. You have connected with the empowering, joyful, freeing emotions you will feel once there.
3. You have a plan on how to get there from here and enjoy the journey on the way.
Life is a journey take the good with the bad
Let the bad be a learning lesson and remember to change how you do things to improve more positive results
Having a purpose even during the darkest times helps the mind to remember the good and strive toward getting out of the darkness and refocusing reframing the mindset
Setting goals helps to maintaining a purpose
Writing short term goals or daily goals the night before helps with keeping a purpose in mind
Surrounding myself with positive like minded individuals helps with purpose
It’s an unfairly broad concept for us to seek purpose in LIFE without an understanding of the step-by-step. So… I would ask myself what is my purpose for TODAY.
One of my purposes is to help people to make them happier and feeling good.
I’m usually gritty anyway but I keep letting the petty behaviour of others affect my attitude.
Purpose will help me rise above the smallness of things and focus on the more important things I need to spend my energy on.
Kinda just finding something and running with it, ups and downs and all.
All this leads to success and abundance sooner or later.
Small steps do value. Small tasks for high purpose as well.
High purpose motivates and opens additional source of power/energy.
Each day recently, I’ve been practicing the habit of thinking about my purpose. It has been nice, because what I’ve been doing is giving myself a “goal statement” for the day, to go back to when times get rough.
Having a purpose is like having a lighthouse at the end of the road to look at when you get tired, when you falter, and when you wanna quit. All you have to do is think of your purpose, find strength in it, and persevere through the end.
My purpose today, for example, was “Just keep trying for your good habits.”
You might mess up, but just keep trying. At the end of the day, It is easier to be happy having fulfilled that purpose.
Then, sleep deep, and start again tomorrow
It’s a life that recognizes everyday problems are bigger lessons meant to support your growth. It’s a life that strives to uncover and learn as many lessons as possible.
A life of purpose is a life that supports others in the process; a life that recognizes the interconnectedness of everything, and honors that connection. It’s a life that searches for the intersection of ‘what it’s good at’ & ‘what the world needs’ and knows that’s where greatness happens.
A life of purpose is a life that realizes its inherent worth and value, and strives to grow into continually higher levels of expansion. It’s a life that shines in a way only it can shine.
A life of purpose is a life that continually looks inward for ever greater treasure to share outward.
The purpose, is what motivates me. And in return, the meaning of that.. is my success. Seems to work well for me personally.
Significa que todos tus esfuerzos se dirigen para llegar donde quieres