However, if you still want to be a morning person, using light is one of the best ways to reset your circadian rhythm. Decide when you want to go to bed so you get enough sleep before your desired wake up time. Then, two hours before bed, wear red glasses so you don't see white or yellow light.
White and yellow light tell your brain it's daytime and it needs to be awake. If you block those with red glasses, your brain thinks it's night and will wind down for bed.
In the morning, when you wake up turn on white, or even blue, lights. LED or fluorescent lights are good for this. They tell your brain it's morning and it needs to wake up.
Also, going outside in the morning without glasses or contacts and looking at the blue sky (not the sun) will also help your brain reset your circadian rhythm.
Ultimately, I think if you want to wake up early it should be to fuel something that you don't normally make time for throughout the stresses of daily life. I tell my friends, honestly, that everyone can wake up at least 30min earlier without a huge overall in lifestyle, and that is an amazing place to start if it means getting a little time back for things you appreciate and love.
PS: set an alarm and put your phone across the room! That was huge for me too 🙂
I’ve also found that although the initial get up process never stops sucking, once you’re used to being up early, it becomes a little easier and I’ve learned to love early mornings to myself.
Whenever I take my phone with me to sleep I tend to not wake up at the time I wanted or to simply have a terrible night of sleep.
So my first thing was to change the phone for a book, you can do a magazine or something else as long as it is not electronic. I read until I tire myself, 10-15 minutes.
2. Get rid of time vampires such as Facebook, Instagram… any app you would open and swipe up, down, right or left to kill time.
3. If you have the iPhone, triple tap the home button to enable greyscale mode. This might look terrible at first, but it will help disable visuals such as red notification counter icons designed to grab your attention.
4. Read mail twice a day. In the morning and in the afternoon or evening. Check out sanelater and to help you do that.
Following the steps above, I barely spent more time than 1 hour a week on my phone. I picked it up and checked it maybe 5 times a day on average. I had to reinstall the messenger app though because of flak from annoyed friends that could not reach me that easily. But if you can withstand the pressure and take a stand, you will have even less to grab your attention.
Good luck
It has to be something you NEED to do. You NEED to have more time to accomplish your goals, and getting a jump start in your day by waking up early is great way to start doing just that.
Good luck!