Giulia O.
Dear user, reading is not a compulsory activity in order to survive, we put in our routine to feel better. So the whole point is to make it a pleasurable activity. First of all, think why you want to add it to your routine. If you can’t think of real motives but just think it’s good for you, search for real and comprovated reasons why it’s a good habit. Then, try starting with something small, and that is correlated to your interests of the moment. Even reading a magazine or an article is still reading, don’t think too rigidly with books (in the digital era information has more diversified medias). Then, if you want to take a step forward, search for short and accessible books that talk about the same interest you want to dive in. The point is not the book, which is merely a medium, but the information that it can transmit. In the end, the point with every routine is to keep it going no matter what, so: don’t do it big or perfectly, just do it. So adapt it to your situation, then gradually implement it but not too much (if it becomes too hard you probably will get tired and give up), and aspect it to regress sometimes cause life is not linear, so aren’t we and in result our actions. Kisses and best of luck